The Attorney General's Office Confiscates IDR 27 Billion Handed Over By Maqdir Ismail

JAKARTA - Investigators from the Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes (Jampdius) at the Attorney General's Office confiscated Rp27 billion or US$1.8 million which was handed over by Maqdir Ismail, the legal adviser to the suspect Irwan Setiawan in the corruption case of the 4G Kominfo BTS construction project.

"Regarding the amount of Rp27 billion, the status has been confiscated by investigators in the case of the suspect WP (Windi Purnama)," said the Head of the Legal Information Center (Kapuspenkum) of the Attorney General's Office, Ketut Sumedana, as reported by ANTARA, Monday, September 11.

Windi Purnama is a confidant of Irwan Setiawan who was also named a suspect in the BTS 4G Kominfo case.

Meanwhile, the Rp27 billion was handed over by Maqdir Ismail to the Attorney General's Office during an examination conducted last Thursday (13/7).

Maqdir admitted that the money was given by someone for his client's benefit (Irwan Setiawan) in dealing with the BTS 4G Kominfo corruption case.

Regarding what the money was confiscated for, Ketut said, everything will be investigated later in the trial process.

"Will the money be confiscated for the state, for the benefit of the state, or what kind of money will we see later in the trial process, more transparent and more open," he said.

The Director of Investigation at the Jampidsus Attorney General's Office, Kuntadi, added that regarding the clarity of the status of the Rp27 billion, his party had examined the parties indicated to be related to the money.

The examination was carried out about what and what the status of the money was, until in conclusion the money was attached to its status in the Windi Purnama case.

"Later in the trial let's see to what extent and what the money has to do with it, we will also pay close attention. Maybe that, we'll wait for the trial," he said.

So far, investigators have named 11 suspects in the corruption case of the BTS 4G Kominfo construction project. Six suspects have undergone trial, namely Anang Achmad Latif (AAL) as the President Director of BAKTI, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Gapok Menak (GMS) as the President Director of PT Mora Telematika Indonesia, Yohan Suryanto (YS) as a Human Development (HUDEV) expert at the University of Indonesia in 2020.

Then Mukti Ali (MA) is a suspect from PT Huwaei Technology Investment, Irwan Hermawan (IH) as Commissioner of PT Solitchmedia Synergy, and former Minister of Communication and Information (Menkoinfo) Johnny G Plate.

Meanwhile, two other suspects, namely Muhammad Yusriski Mulyana and Windi Purnama, have been carried out stage II (transmitting the suspect and evidence) to the prosecutor and waiting to be transferred to the Central Jakarta Corruption Court.

For the three suspects who have just been named today, namely Jemmy Sutjiawan (JS) from the private sector), Feriandi Mirza (FM) as the Head of the Lastmile/Backhaul Division of Bakti Kominfo and Elvano Hatorangan (EH) as the PPK Officer in Bakti Kominfo.

All three are suspected of violating the provisions of Article 2 and Article 3 of the Corruption Crime Law in conjunction with Article 18 in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1 of the Criminal Code After being determined to be detained for the first 20 days starting from September 11 to 30 at the Salemba Rutan, the Attorney General's Office for the suspects Elvano Hatorangan (EH) and Jemmy Sutjiawan (JS). Meanwhile, the suspect Feriandi Mirza (FM) is at the Salemba Rutan, the South Jakarta Kejari branch.