Who Doesn't Have The Right To Vote In Elections: Here's The Retail

YOGYAKARTA - The preparation of the Voter List which is still constrained by accuracy, comprehensiveness and updating of information is one of the main cases that often arise in every General Election (PEMILU). The principle of accuracy means that the number and completeness of voter data must be precise and accurate.

The principle of Comprehensiveness means that all Indonesian people who meet the requirements as voters must be accommodated, as well as sophisticated principles, meaning that the process of updating voter data must correctly describe the real and the latest situation.

The accuracy of voter data is very meaningful because it ensures the level of political participation that is at the heart of democracy. Accuracy of the Senatiasa Voter List (DPT) is often a problem. Such as the accuracy of voter information in the 2019 Election has become a polemic, so it is thought to be invalid. Very many are found because multiple voter identity in DPT. Meanwhile, inaccuracies of population information can eliminate opportunities or the right to select citizens. In other words, administrative problems can eliminate the political rights of citizens.

So far, the case of population information is one of the inaccurate triggers and the validity of voter records, because it is appropriate for the quality of the voter records to be inaugurated to be an analysis for election organizers with integrity, essential and accountability.

The 2024 election has passed part of the election stages, as well as the determination of the Permanent Voter List (DPT) is scheduled to coincide on June 20-21, 2023. Some of the crucial issues that arise ahead of the determination of the Permanent Voter List (DPT) include that there are still many voters who meet the requirements (TMS) on the Voter List while the Final Revised Results (DPSHP) are still available and not removed because of the absence of authentic information or voter supports.

The absence of Authentic Information is interpreted, among others, death certificates from Kelurahan or Desa, KTA for members of the Indonesian National Army (TNI)/POLRI who are still active and voters with status in the form of RT 00 and RW 00 addresses whose whereabouts are unknown.

Although the Bawaslu ranks at a very basic level are the Kelurahan/Village Supervisory Committee (PKD) that has provided responses and input on the discovery of names that have not met the requirements (TMS) to be deleted or crossed out, the KPU does not immediately delete the information even though the conditions are in real field because they are constrained by the authentic information facts.

This is the task of the Bawaslu ranks at the Kelurahan level, namely PKD to find this authentic information, as supporting information in sharing assumptions and input with PPS. Which after that the reporting tiered to the sub-district level and the next level.

One of the crucial issues encountered is regarding Voters who do not meet the requirements (TMS) but are still registered in the Voter's Note of death. Although the PKD ranks found and became input or assumptions to PPS, there was no authentic supporting information so they were not followed up to be crossed out or removed.

Obstacles or cases encountered by PKD in the field to fulfill information on supporting findings that do not meet the requirements (TMS) are about authentic information in the form of death certificates for people who have died.

At least the understanding of residents to make the Death message is one aspect. Even though they have died, they are still registered as Voters, this is because the family does not report to the kelurahan and does not have a death certificate. The majority of them are only limited to reporting, not accompanied by written information because they think they don't need a death certificate.

Many people who think that the death message requires complicated and difficult provisions. Therefore, to increase the attention of residents, it is necessary to make it easier to take care of population administration documents and socialize to residents to distribute education on the importance of managing population administration letters, one of which is death certificates from either the elected institution or the government.

Some of the other crucial issues ahead of the determination of the Permanent Voter List (DPT) are:

This is our job as election supervisors in guarding the Voters' Records that do not meet the requirements (TMS) but are still registered as Voters.

Bawaslu ranks are obliged to work hard in supervising the process of Arrangement of the Permanent Voter List (DPT). The reason is that the DPT problem is polemics that are constantly repeated in holding elections and are always the material for accusing election organizers of cheating.

So after knowing who doesn't have the right to vote in the election, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!