Fire Vulnerable In Dense Settlements, Residents Form Volunteers Equipped With APARs Every RT

JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Gulkarmat Service, Satriadi Gunawan created a post and formed fire volunteers in a densely populated area of RW 10, Pulogadung Village, East Jakarta, Wednesday, September 6.

Head of the DKI Jakarta Gulkarmat Service, Satriadi Gunawan, said that apart from attaching stickers, the formation of self-help fire volunteers was also carried out.

In addition, residents will also complete the procurement of light fire extinguishers (APAR) in each RT located in RW 10, Pulogadung Village.

"We form volunteers in anticipation of the fire from the community itself. Later we will train and provide a way to extinguish the fire," Satriadi told reporters, Wednesday, September 6.

In addition, Satriadi also appreciated the efforts and awareness of residents in participating in anticipating the fire disaster in their area.

"Each RT is self-helped in the procurement of APAR. (because) the fire came from houses due to negligence related to the use of stoves and electrical devices.

Meanwhile, the Head of the East Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept., Muchtar Zakaria hopes that what RW 10 Pulogadung Village has done can motivate other areas to increase awareness of the dangers of fires.

That way, the number of fires, especially in East Jakarta, can be minimized.

"After RW 10 Pulogadung, we also had the opportunity to inaugurate the Integrated Fire Volunteer Post in RW 03 Jati Village," he said.

Head of RW 10 Pulogadung Village, Sumanto explained, the area consists of 14 RTs with a total of more than 8,000 families, most of which are densely populated areas.

Selama tahun 2023 ini, di wilayahnya telah terjadi dua kali kejadian hingga memburuk sebanyak 15 rumah warga.

"Therefore, we formed volunteers from elements of Karang Taruna and the community of 32 people as an effort to minimize the occurrence of fires again," he added.

The DKI Jakarta Gulkarmat Service also emphasized that the negative impact of fire events also contributed to air pollution. Fire smoke also has an impact on pollution in Jakarta.