Bengkulu Prosecutor's Office Arrests Lawyers Allegedly Obstructing Corruption Investigations Of BOK Funds

BENGKULU - The Bengkulu High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) arrested UL, who is a lawyer, allegedly related to the corruption case of health operational assistance (BOK) in Kaur Regency.

"There was one person who was detained and works as a lawyer. Previously, the suspect was examined as a witness in Jakarta and then detained on September 4, 2023," said Head of Investigation at the Bengkulu Attorney General's Office, Danang Prasetyo, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, September 5.

He said the suspect UL was arrested for participating in the process of investigating the corruption case of the Kaur Regency BOK fund, Bengkulu.

Meanwhile, the suspect UL admitted that he was a journalist and not a fake lawyer.

"I, this is also a journalist, I'll explain to wait. It seems that with him being named a suspect, he has become a criminal," he said.

In the BOK Kaur corruption case, the Bengkulu Attorney General's Office has arrested five suspects, four of whom are RF (57) BSS (47), RNS (41) and AH, (58) who were arrested while in Jakarta.

In the alleged obstruction of the investigation, the suspects were subject to Article 21 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia number 20 of 2001 concerning the eradication of criminal acts of corruption.

For BSS (47), RNS (41) and AH, (58) previously received the money handed over by witnesses to the Head of the Kaur District Health Center amounting to Rp920 million.

The three suspects promised to investigate the BOK fund case in Kaur Regency and when the arrest was made, the Bengkulu Attorney General's Office confiscated evidence in the form of cellphones, proof of transfer, receipts and checks related to the handover of money.