Deputy Governor Of Kaltara Ensures Development Quality Is Maintained

Deputy Governor of North Kalimantan (Kaltara), Yansen TP, requested that the development planning pattern be improved.

This was conveyed by him during monitoring and evaluation (Monev) of the Handling of the Long Segment Condition of Jalan Ring Road Malinau Simpang 4 Central Government - Tanjung Lapang - Lidung Keminci - Semulan - Punan Setapap, Monday, September 4.

Through monev, the Deputy Governor of Kaltara ensured that development activities in Malinau Regency were running well. It is hoped that development can have a positive impact on the community, especially road access that is smooth and also the economic impact.

Therefore, the Deputy Governor requested that the executor pay attention to the quality of the work. Starting from planning to the execution stage. The goal is that the quality of development can be maintained properly.

"The construction structure must use the best standards. So that we not only pursue development to be completed quickly, but also have good planning standards," said the Deputy Governor

He confirmed that by the end of 2023 the road segment had been completed. To note, the road construction disbursed Rp 16.9 billion from the Special Allocation Fund (DAK).

As is known, the items of the road handling work include drainage work, soil and geosynthetic work, granular work and cement concrete, asphalt work, structural work to maintenance.

Not only that, the monev agenda was also carried out to review the construction of the National Police School (SPN) complex road for the North Kalimantan Police.

In addition, the Deputy Governor of Kaltara also reviewed educational units under the auspices of the Kaltara Provincial Government including Lab construction. Language and Lab. Chemicals at Vocational High School (SMK) Negeri 1 Malinau. Then the construction of Lab. Physics, Space Osis, Student Dormitory at High School (SMA) Negeri 3 Malinau.

Not only that, on the visit to the school the Deputy Governor also gave a little direction to motivate educators to continue to be enthusiastic about serving in the world of education.

"My goal to be present in the midst of educators is to motivate them to be enthusiastic in serving," said the Deputy Governor.