The Ministry Of Industry Ensures SE Emission Reports To Maintain The Climate Of Industrial Business

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) ensures that the Circular Letter (SE) of the Minister of Industry Number 2 of 2023 concerning Reporting on Industrial Exhaust Gas Emission Control in the DKI Jakarta, West Java and Banten areas will have a good impact on improving air quality.

The Director General of Resilience, Region and International Industrial Access (Dirjen KPAII) of the Ministry of Industry, Eko Cahyanto, said that emission reporting is a form of the government's commitment to supporting and maintaining a green and sustainable industrial business climate.

"We at the Ministry of Industry are committed to implementing green industries in all aspects of industrial business activities and of course in the context of maintaining sustainability (sustainability) in the industry. We maintain sentiment from business actors to remain optimistic," said Eko at a press conference. The Industrial Trust Index (IKI) August 2023 in Jakarta, Thursday, August 31.

Eko said the circular was a form of support from the Ministry of Industry to actively assist efforts to control exhaust emissions in the industrial sector.

At the same time, this support is also expected to be in line with efforts to improve air quality not only in the Jabodetabek area, but also throughout the industrial concentration area.

With this circular, the Ministry of Industry can monitor industrial business activities so that they remain in line with the green industry aspect.

The circular is also an instrument so that the Ministry of Industry can take a quick response if there is an industrial sector that issues emissions above the threshold.

"Actually (controlling gas emissions) is not only in the Jabodetabek area, but in all areas where there is industrial concentration there. We have several industrial concentrations, especially the concentration of heavy industries in the Bekasi, Karawang, Purwakarta areas, then in Tangerang Raya to Serang, including in the Cilegon area and its surroundings," said Eko.

"So, we at the Ministry of Industry are considering expanding the area of supervision of industrial activity that has the potential to produce this emission to all regions in the three provinces," he added.

Through this SE, the Ministry of Industry hopes to get more accurate data every week so that it can make short-term policies for handling air quality in the three provinces.

Furthermore, Eko emphasized that his party continues to coordinate with other ministries or institutions as well as local governments to jointly suppress air pollution sources.

"Tomorrow morning we have weekly evaluation data. Tomorrow we will have accurate data on industrial activities," he said.

Later, continued Eko, the Ministry of Industry will deploy 10 emission monitoring tools in several industrial concentration areas in three provinces.

The emission monitoring tool is expected to facilitate the work of the industrial sector exhaust gas control inspection team.

"We are working with regional managers to monitor so that we can get more accurate data in the future," he concluded.