Israeli Police Shot Dead a 14-year-old Palestinian Teen Accused of Stabbing at Jerusalem Station

JAKARTA - A 14-year-old Palestinian teenager was shot dead by Israeli police after stabbing and wounding a civilian at a tram station in Jerusalem, authorities said.

"A suspect armed with a knife carried out a terrorist attack near the Israeli Shivtei tram in Jerusalem," Israeli police said in a statement, reported by The National News, August 31.

"The suspect was successfully paralyzed on the spot," continued the police.

A border police officer who was traveling on the tram saw the attack take place and took action, police said.

"He immediately got off the train and opened fire, hitting the suspect," they said.

Police spokesman Dean Elsdunne said the deceased was a "minor" from East Jerusalem, a predominantly Palestinian area.

He was from the Beit Hanina neighborhood in East Jerusalem, Elsdunne said.

Meanwhile, the Magen David Adom emergency service said it had treated a man aged around 25 who was stabbed in the back. He was then taken to hospital. The victim was in "stable" condition, Shaare Zedek Hospital said.

Dozens of Israeli security personnel gathered at the station, where many ultra-Orthodox Jews also gathered.

Separately, the Hamas group that controls Gaza said the attacker had carried out a "heroic" operation at the tram station.

It is known that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has so far claimed the lives of at least 223 Palestinians since the beginning of this year. Meanwhile, at least 31 Israelis, as well as a Ukrainian and an Italian were also killed this year.

The fatal shooting occurred the same night, when Palestinian militants detonated a bomb near an Israeli troop convoy escorting Jewish worshipers to a holy site in the occupied West Bank.

Four soldiers were injured, including an officer, in a late night explosion in Nablus, a stronghold of Palestinian militants in the northern West Bank, the military said.