50 Years Of Career In The World Of Film, Christine Hakim Makes A Special Celebration

Christine Hakim, who made her debut in the film in 1973 through the film Cinta Pertama, celebrates her 50 years of career in the national film industry this year.

Raya Rasa Management as an artist's management where Christine Hakim belongs also initiated The Journey of Christine Hakim as a moment to commemorate the half-century of the career actress.

Reza Rahadian, who is under the auspices of artist management and admirer Christine Hakim, said that the program was initiated as a form of gratitude.

"Actually, this idea emerged about how I myself as a child, as a person who admired Christine Hakim's mother complete with her career journey. This is a form of our gratitude," said Reza Rahadian during a press conference in Senayan, Central Jakarta on Wednesday, August 30.

Meanwhile, various series of events will be presented for the next year in commemoration of The Journey of Christine Hakim.

"There are several activity programs that we will hold over the next year. Of course, an important part of the existing program is the retrospection of Christine's mother," said Reza Rahadian.

The series of events include screening films along with discussions in various places, exhibition and launch of Christine Hakim's autobiographic book.

Film screenings and discussions will be held together with various film communities on campuses and several festivals that the 66-year-old actress has attended.

"The distribution and discussion of films at several universities and communities will later be traveling in five major cities, namely Makassar, Medan, Bandung, Surabaya and Yogyakarta," he said.

Then, the exhibition will also be presented in conjunction with Christine Hakim's collaboration with three other artists. This event is planned to be held in January 2024.

"Then there is collaboration, this is also very special, but I can't talk much because the program is one year, it's quite long," said Reza Rahadian.

Later there will be collaboration with three artists. This is in January with exhibitions. Whoever the artist is, wait for it," he continued.

Meanwhile, regarding the launch of the book, Reza Rahadian did not want to talk much. He is still keeping it a secret who the writer will be involved in.

The launch of this book is still in preparation. So, next year we will meet. This is an autobiographic book, which we can't tell the authors yet, we still keep the meetings," concluded Reza Rahadian.