Sidrap Police Destroys 1,050 Bottles Of Alcohol From Pekat Operation

The Sidrap Police, South Sulawesi, destroyed evidence from the 2023 Lipu Block Operation in the form of various brands of 1,050 bottles and 1 kilogram of methamphetamine.

"The liquor is the result of Operation Pekat Lipu which was held by the Sidrap Police and the ranks for 20 days starting from August 4, 2023," said Sidrap Police Chief AKBP Erwin Syah, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 30.

Erwin Syah said the community disease operation (Pekat) aims to eradicate all forms of criminal acts and prevent other criminal acts from occurring in order to achieve a conducive security and public order situation (kamtibmas) in the South Sulawesi region.

The police chief mentioned the details of the various brands of liquor that were destroyed, namely various brands of beer, including dumplings.

The dozens of bottles of various brands were revealed by the Lipudi Pekat Operation of all units, including the Sector Police at the sub-district level, Erwin.

Meanwhile, the perpetrators and evidence were secured at the Sidrap Police Headquarters. The perpetrators are threatened with Article 31 paragraph 2 Jo Article 26 paragraph 1 of the Regional Regulation of Sidrap Regency in 2005, December 17, 2005 regarding the prohibition and control of liquor.