Central Jakarta Police Wait For The Results Of The Puslabfor Examination On Fires In South Petojo That Caused 2 Casualties

Central Jakarta Metro Police are still waiting for the results of the Forensic Laboratory Center (Puslabfor) test regarding the fire that hit 152 houses in the Jalan Gang Kober area, South Petojo Village, Gambir District, Central Jakarta.

If the results of the Forensic Laboratory found an element of negligence, the Central Jakarta Metro Police would not hesitate to give strict sanctions to people who committed negligence that caused a fire in four RTs, namely RT 02, 03, 04, and 05 in RW 08. Even causing casualties, 2 elderly people (elderly).

"If there is negligence or intentional or other elements, we will definitely investigate. Because any negligence that has an impact on material losses, or injuries to death, of course there will be sanctions," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Komarudin when contacted by reporters, Wednesday, August 30.

Kombes Komarudin said that if later there was a deliberate act (burning the house), of course (the perpetrator) would be processed.

"We are still asking for information, the first time we see a hotspot, it will be matched with the findings of the Forensic Laboratory. After that, it will be strengthened by witness statements and then we will explore the cause again," he said.

As is known, the cause of the alleged fire in densely populated settlements is thought to have come from the explosion of a gas stove left playing online games while cooking in one of the houses. However, this is still being investigated by police investigators.

Previously, it was reported that the results of data collection from officials from the Central Jakarta Fire Management Sub-dept. (Sudin Gulkarmat), the cause of the fire in residential areas of Jalan Gang Kober, were finally revealed.

"The alleged cause of the gas stove," said Head of Central Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept., Asril Rizal to VOI, Thursday, August 24.

Officers suspect that the cause of the fire was suspected to be an explosion from a gas stove from one of the residents' houses.

"Initially one of the residents was cooking fish, then they were left playing online games. Then the fire was seen by a cafe visitor and had grown," he said.

The flames continued to spread and spread. Then spread to a number of other residents' houses, scorched hundreds of houses in 4 RTs.