Thousands Of Enthusiastic Residents Follow Healthy Roads With PT Indo Raya Tenaga
JAKARTA - Thousands of residents from four urban villages in Pulomerak District, Cilegon City, namely Tamansari Village, Mekarsari, Lebakgede and Suralaya, Saturday, August 26, followed the Healthy Road Fit and Fun with Indo Raya Tenaga (IRT). This event was held in order to enliven the 78th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia.
Pulomerak sub-district head Ade Hoero Sanjaya said residents from the four sub-districts that were participants reached 1,200 people. They walked around the village route for approximately 3 kilometers.
"Alhamdulillah, after years of COVID-19. We Pulomerak residents were finally able to re-enliven the 78th Indonesian Independence Day with the support of IRT as the implementer of the PLTU 9 and 10 projects," he said.
Hoero added that his party also appreciated the contribution of IRT to the Pulomerak area, both in the absorption of labor and the growth of the citizens' economy from the construction of PLTU 9 and 10.
"We certainly appreciate the healthy path held by IRT. There are also hundreds of interesting prizes given to residents. The construction of PLTU 9 and 10 makes a real contribution, namely to the absorption of labor and the economic growth of local residents," said Hoero.
Meanwhile, Deputy General Manager of IRT Kardi Bin Kasiran explained that this healthy road activity was deliberately carried out to build togetherness between IRT and residents. At the same time to introduce the ongoing construction of PLTU 9 and 10.
"We are doing this to build togetherness and share happiness with the community. At the same time to introduce PLTU 9 and 10 projects which are national strategic projects, that the PLTU that we built is environmentally friendly," he explained.
Abdul Haris, a Participants of Jalan Sehat from Lebak Gede Village, admitted that he was very happy to participate in this event which he considered very lively. Moreover, you can get the grand prize, a washing machine.
"I didn't expect to get the grand prize, today's event was also very lively, hopefully it will run for the event in the future," said Abdul Haris.
Jumrotul Aini also felt the same thing from Suralaya and Rama Safitriana Villages from Tamansari Village. The joy was seen from both of them when the coupon number was mentioned by the committee as the winner of the electric bicycle prize.
"Alhamdulillah, I got this electric motorbike, thank you for holding this road. Hopefully in the future it will be more successful and victorious always," said Jumrotul.
"I didn't expect it, because my coupon number was mentioned at the end, I was very happy to be able to get the main gift of an electric bicycle. The event was also lively," said Rama.
Yuli, the IRT Fostered MSME Actors, Sambel Kretek Bu Yuli who is also a Suralaya resident, feels that they are taking a leisurely walk and exercise together in Pulomerak District is very strong. He saw the community also looking very enthusiastic and enjoying this together event.
"Currently I open the MSME stand to sell kretek sambel, Alhamdulillah it can be a place to promote our products, and it is hoped that activities like this are often carried out by PT IRT," he explained.
Similarly, Ahmad Rismanto, Chairman of Karang Taruna Lebakgede also appreciated the activities carried out by Pulomerak District and PT IRT. This kind of celebration is considered to be a good synergy for the community.
"Today's healthy walk and healthy exercise are quite lively, especially with the addition of door prizes with attractive gifts distributed to the community," said Rismanto.
Rismanto added that the leisurely road route that was held this morning was very good to pass, considering that its location is in the hills of the Lebakgede area, which is still beautiful.
"Lebakgede still has many points to enjoy the fresh air, because it is in a hilly area and there are still many large trees. Like the Cipala hills, the air is still fresh," he added.