The Ministry of Industry is Making These Efforts to Control Gas Emissions in the Industrial Sector

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry will take a number of steps to control exhaust emissions from the industrial sector in the provinces of DKI Jakarta, Banten and West Java. These steps were taken as an effort to control emissions in the industrial sector, especially in reducing air pollution in Jabodetabek.

"We will immediately take several steps, for example taking an inventory of all industrial sectors in the province, to analyze and identify in order to obtain accurate data regarding how many industries have their own generators," said the Director General of Resilience, Regional and International Industrial Access (Dirjen KPAII) ) Ministry of Industry Eko S. A. Cahyanto in his written statement, on Friday, August 25.

The analysis and identification aims to monitor critical points related to emissions, including energy generation, production processes and waste in the industrial sector. "That is one of our focuses in data collection, so that we can make the right policies," said Eko.

Eko said the Ministry of Industry was proactive in providing guidance to the industrial sector through carrying out inspections. There are four things that will be carried out, namely periodic inspection of industrial sector reports in the National Industrial Information System (SIINas).

"Furthermore, we carry out direct supervision in the field to check compliance with the industry report, including the environmental documents they have," he said.

The third effort is for the Ministry of Industry to conduct an audit if necessary, for example, if violations are found in the industrial sector.

"Finally, we can verify compliance with statutory provisions that must be met by industrial companies and industrial estates," said Eko.

These efforts are believed to be able to maintain the activity of the industrial sector and a conducive business climate in the country.

Furthermore, Eko said, the Ministry of Industry also provides assistance to the industrial sector and industrial areas so that they can fulfill the provisions that have been regulated in maintaining their industrial activities. This is to keep spurring the wheels of the national economy.

"We also continue to encourage all companies to implement a green industry, to apply environmentally friendly and sustainable standards," he concluded.

He said the Ministry of Industry regretted that there had been efforts to stop industrial sector activities without any coordination.

"As we can see here, the company we are looking at meets the ambient quality threshold requirements. The industry is also still carrying out its production activities," he concluded.