Regency Government Builds TPS3R Handling Waste Management Problems In Bangkalan

BANGKALAN - Bangkalan Regency Government (Pemkab) in East Java Province (East Java) has built a reduce-reuse-recycle or TPS3R waste management area.

The development is to solve the waste problem in Bangkalan which has recently been protested by many parties.

"TPS3R is a pattern of waste management approach on a communal or regional scale, involving the active role of the government and society, through a community empowerment approach," said Head of the Bangkalan Regency Environmental Service (DLH) Anang Yulianto in Bangkalan, Friday, August 25, confiscated by Antara.

According to Anang, the Bangkalan Regency Government is working on the construction of TPS3R with funding support from the central government, local governments, to village funds.

In addition, he said, the Bangkalan Regency Government will develop a Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) facility aka waste processing into fuel in each sub-district.

"We will compile 100 tons of strategic waste management per day at the TPS. Therefore, we cooperate with third parties," he said.

However, regarding the third party in question, Anang was reluctant to explain further.

Previously, demonstrations by activists from the Bangkalan Islamic Student Association (HMI) were held on August 24, 2023. The masses demanded improvements in waste management in Bangkalan.