Types Of VRAM Types On PCs, Prevent Stuttering While Playing Games

YOGYAKARTA Video Random Access Memory (VRAM) is a critical aspect in supporting advanced game graphics. Currently, there are many game titles demanding a greater VRAM capacity than before. Well, before you buy new hardware, it's important to know the understanding and types of VRAM so you don't get it wrong when you want to increase your capacity.


VRAM is a digital memory attached to a video card and works like a RAM. VRAM varies in size, but generally only 4GB for entry-level GPUs up to 24 GB in top models.

The VRAM memory chip is placed around the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) chip, but is usually not visible because it is hidden behind a largecooler block on a desktop or laptop graphics card.

The VRAM function is to load data assets needed by the GPU in rendering graphics, such as texture data, as well as various other buffers related to visual effects such as lighting, traders, and so on.

When data assets are loaded in VRAM, the GPU can process the data as quickly as possible without having to take it first from another slower memory. That way, the rendering can run quickly and without buffering.

If the VRAM capacity cannot contain graphic assets, the data will be transferred to the main memory which is much slower than the VRAM for GPUs.

The impact can vary between games, but usually in the form of performance declines such as stunting or game stops for a moment when GPU sends graphics assets.

Stuttering may look similar to lag, but it's not caused by latency internet networks and occurs in non-competitive single player games, but the stagnant performance of GPUs.

There are various types of Random Access Memory Videos that are placed around the GPU. Each variant has different functions in terms of the use of video memory.

Here are the types of VRAM that you need to know;

That's the information about the types of VRAM on PC. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.