Grand Opening September, TMII Entrance Ticket Prices Are Priced At IDR 25,000 Per Person

JAKARTA - Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) will be grand opening in September. The entrance ticket for TMII is still priced at IDR 25,000 per person.

President Director of PT Bhumi Visaanda (TMII Manager) Claudia Inggiriwang said TMII has been revitalized and is ready to become a leading destination for animal enthusiasts, naturalists, and those who want to gain knowledge about Indonesia's cultural diversity.

"Tiket enggak perubahan. Jadi tiket masih masih Rp25.000. Jadi tadi menikmati semua fasilitas tadi, mau jalan, mau olahraga, mau menikmati budaya, mau sekadar-nggkrong sambil menonton fontacin dari pagi sampai sore," tuturnya di TMII, Jakarta Timur, Kamis, 24 Agustus.

For your information, after the revitalization, TMII presents various new attractions and rides that are ready to welcome tourists who will visit TMII. One of the mainstays is Lake Archipelago.

This location is used as the main TMII icon equipped with a fountain attraction or Dancing Fountain Show with the theme of Indonesian folklore. Dancing Fountain Show can later be enjoyed by tourists visiting TMII.

There is also the Archipelago Animal Universe which confirms the concept of the animal park which has been completely revitalized on the three animal rides, namely Bird Park, Komodo Museum, Dunia Air Tawar & Sering.

This tourist park has experienced revitalization and is ready to become a leading destination for animal enthusiasts, nature lovers and those who want to get education about Indonesia's biodiversity.

In the Archipelago Animal Wildlife Bird Park, there are 2,000 birds scattered throughout the vehicle area.

Visitors can see 218 types of bird species, including several types of rare species and endemic animals, including the Javanese Eagle, Green Merak, and the Raja & Cendrawasih Kakatua from Papua.

Claudia hopes that with the new concept being carried, the number of visitors is expected to continue to increase.

"In 2023, the number of visitors to TMII is targeted to reach 6 million visitors or an average of 16,000 visitors every day," he said.