Police Still Investigating Explosion At Laboratory That Killed S2 IPB Student

BOGOR - Bogor Resort Police are still looking for the cause of the explosion at the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) University Dramaga laboratory, Bogor Regency, West Java, which caused the death of Mahasiswi S2, Laila Atika Sar,i.

Head of the Bogor Police Criminal Investigation Unit, AKP Yohanes Redhoi Sigiro, said that his party conducted an investigation by examining several witnesses who knew about the explosion on Friday (18/8).

"We are examining witnesses to find out what the series of events of Laila Atika Sari in IPB was like," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 22.

This witness examination was carried out to outline the events ranging from Laila's needs in the laboratory until she was finally affected by the explosion.

"Until finally the victim was able to enter the laboratory and carry out his own activities there until the explosion occurred and was rushed to the hospital like what, we examined the witnesses later, starting from the victim's friend, then the IPB itself," said Sigiro.

According to him, the police have conducted an investigation starting with the processing of the crime scene (TKP) together with the National Police Headquarters Laboratory.

"We are waiting for the results of the Forensic Laboratory regarding the alleged cause of the explosion," he said.

The incident began when Laila, who is a master's student, analyzed the fat of feed materials using the soup method in the laboratory on Friday (18/8).

Laila Atika Sari suffered burns as a result of being trapped in a laboratory room that caught fire at around 16.00 WIB.

After being successfully evacuated from the laboratory room, Laila was then taken by ambulance to Medika Dramaga Hospital for first aid.

However, the hospital could not handle the maximum injuries suffered by Laila so the treating doctor advised the patient to be referred to the hospital with adequate facilities.

Then, TimIPB University and Laila's family agreed to take the patient to Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) Jakarta for more intensive treatment.

After receiving intensive treatment from the RSCM Doctor Team on Saturday (19/8) at around 10.00 WIB, Laila Atika Sari was declared dead.