Letter, People's Voice New Song Ndarboy Genk For Ganjar

YOGYAKARTA - The musician from Yogyakarta who is currently hitting, Ndarboy Genk is ready to surprise his lovers. The musician whose real name is Helarius Daru Indrajaya alias Ndaru has prepared a new song entitled 'Crime' an acronym from the People's Voice. According to the theme, the song was specially created by Ndarboy Genk for Ganjar Pranowo to welcome the 2024 presidential election. Through this song, Ndarboy wants to convey criticism and suggestions to the nation's future leaders. Javanese language song it's planned to be released on September 5. Not without reason Ndaru chose that date, because the song was released right when Ganjar Pranowo retired from his position as Governor of Central Java. Before its release, Ndarboy Genk had the opportunity to meet Ganjar. When Ganjar was in Jogjakarta Tuesday, August 22, Ndarboy Genk then performed his song in front of Ganjar. "This song was inspired by Pak Ganjar. The title is a letter, the length of the people's voice. So as a wong cilik, I want to put a mandate to you to keep thinking about the people," said Ndaru when he met Ganjar. Ndarboy also sang the song. Ganjar seemed to enjoy it while occasionally laughing at the lyrics of the song 'Surat' which was so fun. Ndaru said, the song has actually been created for a long time. The essence of the song is to voice the people's hearts to its leaders. How can the leader listen to the voices of the people, accept criticism, suggestions and think about the people. "Mr. Ganjar, in our opinion, has been willing to listen to it all this time "Jadi saya merasa, lagu ini pak Ganjar sangat," ucapnya.Ndaru yang pernah terjual di Unnes merasakan betul bagaimana kepemimpinan Ganjar di Jawa Tengah. Untuk itu, lagu baru barunya ia memberikan untuk Ganjar dan rencananya akan dirilis pada 5 September mendatang." Jadi ini nanti seperti hadiah saya buat Pak Ganjar saat pensiun nanti. Surat untuk pak Ganjar," jelasnya.Ndaru berharap lagu itu akan menjadi pengingatkan Ganjar untuk selalu memikir rakyatnya. Ia juga berharap, lagu Surat dapat diterima The wider community in Indonesia. "Hopefully it will color the music industry in Indonesia, it can represent the feelings of the community and hopefully this song can be Pak Ganjar's soundtrack so that it will be more enthusiastic," he concluded. Ganjar really enjoyed Ndarboy's new song Genk. According to him, Ndarboy's new song is very interesting, with unique lyrics. "This is cool. Ndarboy is indeed interesting. He is one that I admire, young artists who are trending from local to national. From Ndarboy we learn, that traditional ones are not traditional "Community and no less than others," he said.

Ganjar and Ndarboy Genk chatted for a long time at the meeting. They told me many things about the future of the country's music industry. "I know Ndarboy, because I used to invite podcasts. I know the joys and sorrows are extraordinary. I'm happy to see young people who are creative like them. Keep the spirit, yes, never stop the creative process," he concluded.