1,050 Families In 3 Districts In Bekasi Regency Affected By Drought, BPBD Distributes Clean Water

BEKASI - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) distributed clean water assistance to 1,050 families affected by drought in Bekasi Regency.

Bekasi Regency BPBD field officer Coordinator Abdul Hamidi said the distribution of clean water targeted residents affected by drought in three sub-districts, namely Serang Baru, Bojongmangu and Cibarusah.

"Today we distribute clean water assistance to 500 families (KK) in Serang Baru District, 50 families in Bojongmangu, and 500 families in Cibarusah District," he said in Cikarang, Bekasi Regency, Tuesday, August 22, was confiscated by Antara.

He said the distribution of aid was carried out around the door to the door of the residents. However, except at the residence where water transport trucks cannot be reached due to not having adequate road access.

"One of the obstacles is that there are some residents who are not covered by access to water trucks, so we decided to collect them at one point. So, residents must transport themselves using jerry cans," he said.

Hamidi ensured that the clean water supply of residents affected by the drought was carried out every day by deploying three tank trucks with a capacity of 5,000 liters each. Meanwhile, the clean water supply is taken from PDAM shelter pockets around the location

"To meet the needs of all residents, we took water back and forth and today we take water supply from the PDAM Tirta Bhagasasi water tank at Perum KSB Serang Baru," he said.

Residents of Babakan Village, Sukasari Village, Serang Baru District, Siti Aminah, said that the drought had occurred in the last few months and got worse when the condition of the dug well water was cloudy and even started not to emit water.

"Here, if my drought usually uses gallon water, buy Rp5,000 per gallon, it's very burdensome, because that's not enough, just take a shower, that's enough," he said.

Other residents, Dwi Sumarsari, appreciated the clean water assistance from BPBD and PDAM Tirta Bhagasasi as well as hoping that their area could be reached by PDAM piping to meet clean water needs.

"Thank you profusely to the local government, we are greatly helped because usually we need five to 10 jerry cans every day. Residents hope that there is a PDAM pipeline here," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of RT 13 Sukasari Muhidin Village said that at least 500 families were affected by drought due to this year's dry season.

"Usually our residents rely on excavation wells, tet but now the well is almost dry, even if there is definitely cloudy water, some are even really dry," he said.