Sleeping Positions With Lambung Acid, Don't Just Care!

YOGYAKARTA - Stomach acid is one of the health problems that makes the sufferer feel pain and uncomfortable. If stomach acid rises at night, it usually makes it difficult for sufferers to sleep. So what is the sleeping position of stomach acid sufferers so they can fall asleep and not insomnia?

Patients with stomach acid or GERD need to adjust a good sleeping position in order to rest comfortably. When experiencing stomach acid, the sufferer will experience pain such as a burning sensation in the heart or chest. Troubled it again, this condition will cause the sufferer to have difficulty sleeping.

So what is the sleeping position of a stomach acid sufferer, how is the right way? Do not let stomach acid disorders force you to stay up until the morning so that the next day you feel sleepy.

Symptoms of stomach acid often occur at night. One of the reasons is the habit of a poor diet. The condition of stomach acid increases when the stomach fluid (which is acidic) experiences a movement up to the concavity.

If you experience conditions like this, you need to know the good sleeping position for people with stomach acid as follows:

One of the steps to overcome the symptoms of rising stomach acid during sleep is to avoid lying on your back. Because sleeping in a position can cause pressure on the stomach. Then this condition will encourage stomach acid to rise to esophagus. As a result, the symptoms experienced can get worse.

When you feel the symptoms of stomach acid at night, you are advised to sleep with the position of the body facing the left side. This sleeping position can prevent the contents of the stomach from moving up to the concavity channel.

You should avoid sleeping facing the right side because this position can relax the stomach's sphitter muscles. This condition will increase the potential for stomach acid to rise to the concavity.

Another sleeping position that is recommended for people with stomach acid is to accumulate pillows, so that the head is in a higher position when lying down. You can use several layers or pillow piles for headwear. This sleeping position can prevent stomach acid from rising and reduce the possibility of food in the stomach rising back into the concavity.

There are several other ways to prevent stomach acid from rising at night, apart from adjusting the right sleeping position. Give me a line of some tips you can do to prevent symptoms of stomach acid while going to sleep.

Such is the review of the sleeping position of people with stomach acid so that they can rest comfortably without having to be insomnia. Gravity and anatomy of the body have an important influence in overcoming symptoms of stomach acid.

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