Sad News, Novel Marga Writer T Dies

JAKARTA - The Indonesian literacy world is grieving by the loss of one of its best prolific writers. Margaret Caecilia or better known as Marga T passed away on August 17 yesterday.

The news was confirmed through the upload of the Instagram account @bukugpu. It is known that Marga T died at the age of 80 years.

"The world of literacy is grieving. One of the best prolific writers owned by Indonesia-Marga T, passed away," wrote the account @bukugpu, viewed Friday, August 18.

"Hopefully Bu Marga will have the best place in eternal life, and the bereaved family will be given strength and sincerity," he continued.

Throughout his life, Marga T, who was born on January 27, 1943, has given birth to dozens of popular novels since the 1970s. Some of the famous works are Karmila and Badai Pasti Berlalu.

The quality of the works of Marga T is enjoyed by many Indonesians. It is proven that many of his works are also converted into films, soap operas, and songs.

The writer who also works as a doctor does not only write popular novels set in the medical world, he also writes several satirical novels and a collection of short stories.

His last work before exhaling his last breath was a memoir entitled If Only, and a collection of shorts entitled Sweet Memories Will Never End.

Thanks to his contribution, Marga T was awarded the Cultural Award by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture as Pioneer of Indonesian Popular Literature Writing in 2015.