Director At Basarnas Agus Haryono Examined By KPK Regarding Alleged Corruption In The Procurement Of Transport Trucks

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) examined the Director of Preparedness of the National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) Agus Haryono as a witness in the 2014 case of alleged corruption in the procurement of trucks carrying personnel and rescue carrier vehicles at Basarnas.The examination of the person concerned was carried out by investigators from the anti-corruption agency on Wednesday, August 16.Pada jadwal pemeriksaan tersebut penyidik KPK turut memeriksa Pegawai Bidang Rencana dan Standardisasi Basarnas Ade Dian Permana."The two witnesses were present and their knowledge was explored, among others, related to the positions of witnesses as Commitment Making Officer (PPK) in the auction committee for the project to procure personnel transport trucks and rescue carrier vehicles in 2014 at Basarnas," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri when confirmed in Jakarta, Antara, Friday, August 18.However, Ali has not provided further information regarding the findings of the investigators in the examination of the two Basarnas employees.To note, the KPK on Thursday, August 10, 2023, announced that it had started a new investigation into the alleged corruption case in the procurement of goods and services at Basarnas in 2014."That's right, currently the KPK has opened a new investigation into allegations of corruption which resulted in state financial losses within the Basarnas RI from 2012 to 2018 in the form of procuring trucks to transport personnel and rescue carrier vehicles in 2014," said Ali Fikri.Ali also added that this case is a different case from the alleged corruption case involving the former Head of Basarnas Marshal TNI Henri Alfiandi.Anti-corruption agency investigators have named a number of parties as suspects in the alleged corruption case."We have named several people as suspects in Basarnas who are civil institutions and we are currently collecting evidence by examining witnesses," he said.However, Ali Fikri has not been able to provide further information regarding the complete profile of the parties named as suspects.He said the suspect's profile, description of the case, legal acts, and articles suspected would be submitted after the investigation process was completed.Regarding the investigation, this anti-graft agency has coordinated with the Directorate General of Immigration to prevent three people from leaving the country regarding the investigation into the alleged corruption.
The prevention of the three people is valid until December 2023 and can be extended according to the needs of the investigation.