A Total Of 122 Corruptors In South Sulawesi Get Remissions In The Context Of The 78th Anniversary Of The Republic Of Indonesia

JAKARTA - A total of 122 corruptors who became Correctional Inmates (WBP) of the Correctional Institution (Lapas) and Detention Center (Rutan) in South Sulawesi received the 78th General Remission (RU) of the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia.

"There is no remission for terrorists. Corruption is there. They get remission according to Law number 22 of 2022 and there is no more discrimination," said Head of the South Sulawesi Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office Liberti Sitinjak in the event of giving remissions in Makassar, quoted from Antara, Thursday 17 August.

Law number 22 of 2022 concerning Corrections is the reason the Ministry of Law and Human Rights provides general remission to corruptors.

"Remission is the right of prisoners, except in those crimes which really threaten the safety of the state. Corruption does not enter again (threaten state safety)," he said. In addition to corruptors, prisoners and convicts of drug cases can also be given remission from the reference for Law number 22 of 2022, considering and considering that there is human rights.

"The drugs have received remission, it's the law (regulating, we are the implementers of the law. So if the law orders, we must give it," said the former Head of the Nusakambangan Prison.

Currently, called Liberti, the number of residents of the Correctional Institution (Lapas) and Detention Center (Rutan) in 24 regencies and cities throughout South Sulawesi was recorded as of 16 August 2023 as many as 11,103 people, with details of 8,122 prisoners and 2,981 prisoners.

The number of inmates who received General Remission (RU) or criminal period cuts on Independence Day on August 17, 2023 totaled 6,567 inmates including 122 corruptors and 3,862 people with drug cases.

Based on the recapitulation of prisoners who received RU I for one month remission 1,040 people, two months as many as 1,283 people. Three months 2,479 people, four months 1,094 people, five months 456 people and six months as many as 183 people with a total of 6,535 people.

As for RU II or immediately released a total of 32 people, with details of getting a one month remission of two people, two months 14 people, three months three people, four months 11 people, five and six months each one person.