5 Tips More Mindful When Making Love With Your Partner
YOGYAKARTA Practice mindfulness when having sex, can get many benefits. In addition to increasing pleasure, connection, and intimacy, mindfulness also improves the relationship between the soul and the body within. This is also to reduce excessive thinking and full attention to the body. Plus, mindfulness helps increase the opportunity to have a better orgasm. To practice mindfulness when making love with your partner, here are the tips.
We often don't realize the rhythm of the breath. According to Vienna Costanzo-D'Aprile therapist, LMHC., it's important to stick to the fundamental thing, namely the breath. Better yet, pay attention to your partner's breath and see if you can match his breath. He noted that this practice increases connections and intimacy.
Costanzo-D'Aprile advice reported by PsychCentral, Wednesday, August 16, focus on activating the sensory. Especially when you use a sensory, focus on the experience of what it feels like, its sensation, and its sound. To activate the senses, you can add scented candles, listen to your voice and your partner, eye contact, touch your body with your fingers, and experiment with texture and sensation.
Before having sex after completing another task or work, you may try to give yourself time to switch and then enter an intimate moment. That is, first adjust the atmosphere. For example, by turning on the dim lights and wearing clothes that make you feel sexy. Add Costanzo-D'Aprile, give space between tasks so that your brain can be separated from any previous problems.
A spiritual coach quoted by Costanzo-D'Aprile suggests, try to imagine the bubbles around you during sex. This helps make the intimate experience with your partner more mindful.
Create a picture in your mind of the ball, bubble, or aura around you and your partner to create a sacred space around you both. Imagine what it will look like and what it will look like," Costanzo-D'Aprile advises.
Feeling the moment 'current' is not only difficult but also vulnerable. If you are experiencing difficulties for mindful, your mind may be prone to fear. According to Costanzo-D'Aprile, for example, insecurity of the body's image, shame, or assumptions about sex can cause anxiety.
When experiencing this, mindful is difficult to present. It's okay to feel it, because this disturbance may arise. But it's important to do, try not to label anything on passing thoughts.
اقرأ أيضا:
Through the tips above, it can be a reference in practicing mindfulness in sex life that is useful for increasing pleasure, intimacy, and connection with your partner.