8 Toxic Foods For Farmers At Home
YOGYAKARTA Birds are considered pets who can socialize with their owners. Therefore, many owners of these animals provide favorite foods. But it is important to understand, that not all human food can be safely eaten by birds. Some of the following lists of foods can be toxic if given to birds.
Chocolate can interfere with the bird's digestive system. This causes vomiting and diarrhea, it can even affect the central nerves that cause seizures and then die.
Apples and other fruits such as cherries,ANGles, apricots, and pyers contain a small amount of cyanide in their seeds. Launching The Spruce Pets, Wednesday, August 16, although apples are good for birds, make sure to clean the seeds before giving them to birds. In addition, peel the skin or wash clean so that the remaining pesticides on the fruit skin are not consumed by birds.
Although salt is only included as a spice, it is important to select processed foods to be given to birds. Too much salt can cause a number of health problems in birds including excessive thirst, dehydration, kidney dysfunction, and death.
The skin and seeds of avocado are known to cause heart problems and heart failure in pet species. Although there is debate about the level of poison in this saturated and saturated fruit, it is better to avoid giving it to birds.
Muncules are a type of cynawan that is known to cause digestive disorders in birds. Covers and stems in several fungal varieties, can cause liver failure. This means that do not let pets at home eat raw or ripe mushrooms.
Do you plant tomatoes in your garden? Don't give the leaves to the birds because the stems of the plants are spreading, including potatoes, the leaves are very toxic to your pets. Well, if you give tomatoes to birds, make sure the green stems are clean. But it's important to know, tomatoes are not the best-chosen vegetables for birds because their acid content is high.
Onions and garlic are generally used as dishes. But for birds, it should be avoided because it causes digestive problems. According to research, contact with onions can also cause birds to experience hemolithic anemia.
Dry grains may be ideal food for birds. But if a peanut is dry, it can be harmful to the health of a pet. Dried raw beans can contain poison called hemagglutinin. This content is very toxic to birds.
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Those are the eight foods that are poisonous to pets at home. As much as possible, you get information about nutritious food for melodious streeters in your home. Generally, pet feed store owners, they will recommend the best food for birds at home.