Requirements To Become A Naturalized Player, Following FIFA Rules And Laws In Indonesia

PSSI still has no plan to naturalize players to strengthen the Garuda squad. The last time PSSI brought in a naturalized player was last year with names ranging from Invan Jenner, Jordi Amat, etc. So what are the requirements to become a naturalized player?

The presence of naturalized players adds its own color to the Indonesian national team. Especially when the performance of the red and white squad is sluggish or down, the entry of naturalized players can boost performances on the field. Especially if players who are brought in from abroad have a slick record and play brilliantly in the league.

It is noted that currently the Indonesian national team has 8 naturalized players. So what are the requirements to become a naturalized player to defend the red and white squad?

Although there are many naturalized players who play in Indonesia, not all football players from outside can strengthen the Garuda squad. The provisions regarding the naturalization of players have been regulated in article 7 regarding the acquisition of new citizenship, reported from the official FIFA website.

There are several points that must be met so that a footballer can wear the national team uniform from their new association. The following are regulations or conditions to become a naturalized player based on FIFA rules.

The provisions on the last point are made so that the state or association does not naturalize instantly. In addition, for players who are not born in Indonesia and their parents and grandparents too, players must wait for five years to be able to join the national team.

Another important requirement that must also be met is that the player concerned has never strengthened the senior national team in the old country.

In addition to the provisions imposed by FIFA, soccer players from outside who want to join the Indonesian national team are also required to meet the naturalization requirements based on the law.

Provisions regarding application for citizenship status or naturalization have been contained in Law Number 12 of 2006. The requirements for submitting a naturalisai are regulated in article 9, as follows:

There are other requirements for obtaining citizenship status, which are regulated in Article 19 of Law Number 12 of 2006. In paragraph 1 it is stated that foreign nationals who legally marry Indonesian citizens can obtain Indonesian citizenship by submitting a statement to become citizens in front of officials.

Another requirement for foreigners who wish to obtain naturalization approval must meet Article 20 which reads: Foreigners who have contributed to the Republic of Indonesia or for reasons of state interest, can be given Indonesian citizenship by the President after obtaining considerations from the Indonesian House of Representatives, except with the provision of citizenship resulting in the person concerned being dual citizenship.

So if the foreigner has officially obtained the status of an Indonesian citizen, then he must leave his status as an old citizen or a previous residence.

Demikianlah informasi syarat menjadi pemain naturalisasi untuk bisa bergabung dan memperkuat Timnas Indonesia. Selain harus memenuhi persyaratan dari FIFA, pemain luar negeri juga wajib mengikuti ketentuan berdasarkan UU.

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