PKS Response To Anies News Will Declare Vice Presidential Candidate August 18: Faster, Better

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the PKS DPP Syuro Council, Hidayat Nur Wahid (HNW), opened his voice about the news that the Coalition for Amendments to Unity (KPP) would declare a candidate for vice president (cawapres) to accompany Anies Baswedan on Friday, August 18.

According to him, it would be better if the KPP vice presidential candidate would be declared immediately.

However, HNW admits that currently there are still dynamics regarding the future vice presidential candidate to accompany Anies Baswedan in the 2024 presidential election.

"The information is true or will not be proven on that date. (But) What is clear is that we at PKS are of the opinion, using the rhyme 'patter fish, snakehead fish, without catfish, it's better to be faster', there's no need to be long-winded. We think I support it there, "said Hidayat at the DPR building, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, August 15.

Even so, continued HNW, the most important thing is that the time for the declaration has been agreed upon by coalition political parties who are members of the KPP, namely NasDem, PKS and Democrats as well as Anies Baswedan as a presidential reading.

"In principle, go ahead whenever the date is, as long as it has been agreed by three parties or four parties with Pak Anies," he said.

"Physically we invite Mr. Anies to make his decision, and it must be that decision that brings victory and produces changes for good and unity," continued HNW.

On the other hand, HNW said PKS would accept that Anies would eventually elect the Chairman of the Democratic Party Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) as a candidate for vice president. He considered that Anies Baswedan's decision was correct because he had met the criteria.

"We from PKS can accept it. And we can support it. And we see that he (AHY) does meet the criteria conveyed by Mr. Anies," said HNW.