Spend A Lot Of Time Outdoors For Relaxation, Here Are 7 Benefits

YOGYAKARTA If you work indoors for a week, it's time to spend a lot of time outdoors on weekends. According to research, at least two hours a week spent time in the open such as city parks, forests and beaches, reporting better health and welfare. More specifically, here are the benefits of spending time outdoors.

When you exercise regularly, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) it can be useful for improving brain, bone and muscle health. It can also help weight management. But apparently, according to a review of 11 studies, it shows that participants who took part in the study feel more excited to exercise when done outdoors than indoors.

Stress management needs to be done for a prosperous life. Instead of avoiding it, you can explore ways to relax, including walking outdoors. These recommendations are supported by evidence found in small research comparing stress levels before and after outdoor walks.

Research published by Social Science & Medicine in 2018, shows that roads to parks are associated with healthy cognitive aging and a reduced risk of cognitive decline. Researchers note the benefits of accessing outdoor gardens are very strong among women, those with genetic risk factors for cognitive decline, and those with lower socio-economic status.

Clean and fresh air contributes to maintaining lung health. Research reported by EverydayHealth, Friday, August 11, researches children who grow up in residential areas that are wide in green space. As a result, they have lungs that function better at the age of 24 than those who don't live there.

If you are outdoors when the sun is warm or in the morning, it can help increase your body's vitamin D levels. This vitamin helps the function of muscles, nerves, and immune systems. It is important to know, vitamin D is also useful for helping calcium absorption for stronger bones.

A study researches the practice of shrinrin-yoku or forest bath' in Japan. Participants are asked to spend time in the forest environment. The results of this study attached systolic and diatolic blood pressure to participants are much lower than those who do not spend time in cool and fresh forests.

Similarly, residents of cities who regularly visit green areas at least 30 minutes a week. They are also less likely to experience high blood pressure than those who don't, according to a study in Australia.

If you enjoy the sound of nature as well as the scenery, there may be scientific reasons for that. The sound of nature, can actually help increase mood and increase positive influences such as joy, satisfaction, and joy.

Researchers whose research was published in Environmental Sciences in 2021, found that the sound of animals, the sound of winds, and water sounds was associated with decreasing stress levels and feeling greater joy. In addition, it is also useful to reduce pain and improve cognitive performance.

Of the seven benefits of spending time outdoors, it can be a reason for you to take time to walk in an open environment where the air is clean. Have you determined where to go next weekend?