Reject The Right Of The Sunter ITF Cancellation To Heru Budi, PDIP: It Has Not Been Proven That The Rules Have Been Violated

Member of the PDIP faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Gilbert Simanjuntak, said that his party rejected the proposed right of inquiry from members of the DPRD other factions for the cancellation of the Sunter ITF project.
Gilbert questioned the urgency of using the right of inquiry proposed by members of the PKS and Gerindra factions because they did not accept that the ITF project was canceled. Instead of using the right of inquiry, he said, the legislature should be sharpened through commission meetings.
According to Gilbert, the DPRD's working meeting which presented the ranks of the DKI Provincial Government was sufficient to clarify the problem regarding the reason for the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono to cancel the Sunter ITF and transfer the waste processing project to RDF Plant.
"That there was a miss communication on why RDF (refuse derivative fuel) appeared without being communicated, it was questioned and then continued with the following meetings. Not directly, the right of inquiry, you know, is just a commission work meeting being questioned," Gilbert told reporters, Friday, August 11.
Gilbert also disagreed if the right to inquiry was proposed because Sunter's ITF cancellation was deemed to have violated the rules. According to him, there is no specific explanation that DKI must turn waste processing facilities into electrical energy such as ITF.
"It's potential (to violate the rules), it hasn't been proven and I've asked where (to violate) because I've read that the regional regulation doesn't mention ITF, the governor's regulation only mentions ITF. Then PP (Government Regulation) mentions waste processing," he explained.
Regarding the technical rules that assign BUMD to run the ITF project, according to Gilbert, this regulation can be revoked or revised by Heru Budi. Given, currently the DKI Provincial Government has developed another waste management project, namely RDF Plant.
"So if no one gets hit on a regional regulation and no one gets hit by PP. The governor's regulation is a product from the governor, so it's just a matter of removing the new governor's regulation," he said.
Previously, the Chairman of Commission B of the DKI Jakarta DPRD from the PKS faction, Ismail, explained the reason why members of the Gerindra faction proposed the formation of the right to inquiry about the cancellation of the Sunter ITF this year.
This proposal was put forward in a working meeting of Commission B of the DKI Jakarta DPRD with the ranks of the DKI Provincial Government which discussed the cancellation of the Sunter ITF project, some time ago.
Ismail stated that the cancellation of the Sunter ITF violated four regulations, namely Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government, (Perpres) Number 35 of 2018 concerning the Acceleration of Construction of Waste Processing Installations into Electric Energy Based on Environmentally Friendly Technology.
Then, Regulation of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Province Number 65 of 2019 Number 65 of 2019 concerning Assignment to Limited Companies of Jakarta Propertindo (Regional Company) in the Implementation of Waste Processing Facilities in the City, and Regional Regulations (perda) of the Regional Budget for the 2023 fiscal year.
"We question the policy made by the Acting Governor which canceled the ITF assignment project. Where, the project already has at least four legal grounds. This needs to be confirmed regarding the termination because at least four regulations have been violated," said Ismail.
Ismail said that the right of inquiry regarding the cancellation of the Sunter ITF needs to be implemented. This is because this violates the mandate of the central government which makes ITF a national strategic project (PSN).
Then, the Provincial Government and the DKI DPRD have also agreed to allocate a budget of IDR 577 billion from the 2023 APBD as the initial capital for the construction of the Sunter ITF.
"It needs to be understood when the governor implements a policy that is in nature to implement it from the APBD on a regional regulation that has been mutually agreed upon, when there is a change, he must discuss it again," said Ismail.
Therefore, Ismail said that he would propose to form the right of inquiry to the leadership of the DKI Jakarta DPRD.
"It will be consulted with the leadership of the DPRD in accordance with the existing regulations to consider the realization of this right of inquiry," he said.
اقرأ أيضا:
In Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2020 concerning the Order of the DKI Jakarta Provincial DPRD, the right of inquiry is the right of the DPRD to conduct an investigation into the Provincial Government's policies that are important and strategic and have a broad impact on the lives of people, regions and countries that are suspected of contradicting the provisions of the legislation.
When approved to be formed, the picket committee can summon local government officials, legal entities, or residents who are deemed to know the issues investigated to provide information.
If the inquiry committee investigation finds indications of a criminal act, the DPRD will hand over the completion of this criminal process to law enforcement officials.