7 Maraton Run Preparations For Beginners, Must Watch!

YOGYAKARTA Running a marathon is one of the sports that requires special preparation, especially if this event is the first time it has been followed. The reason is, marathon running is not just a light run, considering the journey which reaches up to 42 kilometers. Well, in this article, the preparation of marathon runs will be discussed for beginners. Read on to the end, yes!

Summarized from various sources, here are the preparations for several things that must be prepared for beginners who want to take part in the marathon run.

The first thing you have to do is choose the first marathon event. Related to this, you are advised to choose a route that is already known or close to your home.

After that, make a marathon training plan for 12 to 20 weeks. Beginner marathon runners need to build their weekly travel distance of up to 80 km for four months ahead of the race day.

Next, do regular running exercises, at least 3-5 times a week. Do a leisurely run at a stable speed. This will really help you in building a stable rhythm and rhythm of running, so that when you compete, you can better adjust the speed of running.

Don't forget to rest enough while undergoing intense training. This is because the body needs to restore muscles due to routine exercise and is quite intense. So, make sure you get 7-8 hours of sleep at night.

Make sure your body gets enough water intake while preparing for a marathon run. Drink a lot of water over the week before the game, because this will optimize hydration.

In addition to ensuring that the body is well hydrated, you also need to eat foods rich in complex carbohydrates, such as bread, rice, pasta, and plants. This can help maximize glycogen (energy) deposits. Don't experiment with new foods in times of preparation for marathon running.

Provisions for marathon runs are not only limited to running exercises. You also need to do strength training.

The types of strength training suggested before participating in the marathon run, namely pilates, swimming, and training heavy equipment in the gym. These can all help build new muscles and maintain strength during marathon running matches.

It has been mentioned above that the marathon run distance reaches 42 kilometers. Therefore, you need to run slowly and don't rush. You have to maintain rhythm and speed, so that energy can be divided evenly at the finish point.

This is information about the preparation of a marathon run for beginners. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.