Disdik Coordination Of Apparatus Investigate 89 Findings Of Alleged Family Card Counterfeiting During PPDB West Java 2023

JABAR - The West Java Province Education Office (Disdik) stated that there were 89 findings of alleged falsification of student family cards (KK) in the implementation of New Student Admissions (PPDB) in 2023.

The Head of the West Java Provincial Education Office, Wahyu Mijaya, said that all the findings were being followed up by involving law enforcement officials. "The West Java Provincial Government Team is trying to study 89 cases suspected of being original documents. Hopefully in the future, it can be believed that the data is fake or actually genuine," he said in Bandung City, West Java, Thursday, August 3, confiscated by Antara.

He said the 89 cases occurred in 28 schools spread across 15 cities/regencies in West Java, of which some were excellent, non-seeded, city centers with densely populated and no. "Even though there are actually fakes without him falsifying data, he can enter the school because the quota is possible," he said.

He explained that the forgery by individuals was to change the QR code on the KK and the aim was to get into the fake Disdukcapil site that had been created, to justify address data to outsmart the PPDB zoning scheme.

"So he made it to Url, as if the original population service and civil registration (website) were fake. So when the verifier saw the checklist, it was immediately approved. Even though if you look at the original urgent, it's different," he said.

Dugaan pemalsuan data itu sempat membuat tim verifikator yang dibentuk Disdik Jabar terkecoh, sebab, ke-89 murid itu diterima atau lolos dari tahap seleksi PPDB.Ketika ditanyakan mengenai adanya dugaan kelalaian verifikator, Wahyu mengatakan adanya temuan ini kemungkinan besar karena situasi pada saat pemeriksaan sudah mendesak dengan tenggat penutupan PPDB.Sehingga, kata dia, diduga tidak berkonsentrasi penuh dalam memastikan link Disdukcapil."Temuan awal kan 4.791 kasus, modusnya kami temukan langsung di verifikator sekolah-sekolah. Jadi 89 ini tindaklanjut by sistem. Pada tahap awal kami sudah bekerja tetapi memang masih ada yang lolos. Ini yang kami dalami," kata dia.

"There are limited time vectors, there are those who register at the end. More and more, it could be (the result) of the current incident. We have tried not to miss it," he said. The principle of presumption of innocence and protection against children. His party will give a period of time for one year, until the school year ends for those found guilty of changing schools. "In Pergub we can cancel, for non-regional documents. But we put forward protection for children. We will open space, students can still go to school in that place and then go out or can also send them to another school," he said.