Video of Tangerang Social Service Forcibly Took Toddlers from Humanitarian Care Homes Went Viral
TANGERANG – The Humanitarian Care Home Foundation has recently become a public concern. Through a viral video, the owner of the foundation, Pratiwi Noviyanthi, said that the Tangerang Social Service had forcibly taken the babies she had been caring for.
From the video, Pratiwi said that all this time she has been raising and caring for toddlers from parents who have mental disorders. In the video, Pratiwi claims that so far she and her colleagues have taken good care of these toddlers. But she was surprised why the Tangerang Social Service took them by force.
Information stated that the Social Service Office questioned the legality of the Foundation. Pratiwi, when asked this question, clearly and firmly said that her foundation already had legality. Which means legal.
"They asked about our legality, thank God our legality exists," Pratiwi said in the video.
The Mayor of Tangerang, Arief R Wismansyah spoke about the incident. Arief said that at that time the Tangerang Social Services Agency was only asked by Bareskrim Polri to assist.
"Our Social Service is from Bareskrim. Asked to accompany the child in question, he was brought to the Ministry of Social Affairs to be taken care of and cared for," Arief told reporters, Wednesday, August 2
Surprisingly, Arief admitted that he did not know further about the purpose of picking up the baby. He admitted that it was the authority of the police.
"That will be confirmed by the police to clarify the person concerned as well," he said.
When asked about the existence of the alleged Criminal Act of Trafficking in Persons (TPPO), Arief also did not know about it because the Tangerang City Social Service Agency was only tasked with accompanying him when picking him up.
"That's the information, but that's the police, because we're just guarding it. Just support," he concluded.