Coordinating Minister For Political, Legal And Security Affairs Says Panji Gumilang's TPPU Analysis Has Been Handed Over To The Police

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD conveyed that the results of the PPATK analysis and examination of a number of Panji Gumilang accounts on suspicion of money laundering (TPPU) had been summarized into analysis report (LHA) and examination report (LHP).

The two documents were then submitted to the police to make it easier for investigators to investigate allegations of money laundering offenses against the use of assets led by the Al-Zaytun Islamic Boarding School, Panji Gumilang.

"The Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, as the Chair of the TPPU Committee, prefers to direct money laundering, because that is evidence that we legally have. That is a problem of claims on foundation land and suspicious accounts. Therefore, PPATK has produced an analysis that the alleged money laundering offenses in both problems exist, because this is an analysis, then followed up with an examination. From the results of the examination, so LA (LHA), becomes LP (LHP), an analysis report then reports on the results of the examination, later the police will do it more easily," MahfudMD said as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 2.

He said the police had also formed a special team to investigate the alleged money laundering offenses by the suspect in the Panji Gumilang blasphemy case.

"So I hope that the public knows very well that the Al-Zaytun case is not a problematic boarding school, but the person based on the measures of the criminal sentence, is no longer reasonable to suspect, but has been suspected; it is not suspected, now it is officially suspected," he explained.

Bareskrim Polri previously announced that investigators had found allegations of money laundering offenses in the use and management of Panji Gumilang assets.

Head of the Public Information Bureau (Karopenmas) of the National Police's Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, explained that the allegations were based on PPATK analysis and money laundering experts.

"The results of the coordination and analysis of the transaction are obtained of allegations of abuse indicated as non-criminal related to foundations, criminal acts of embezzlement, criminal acts of corruption of boss funds, to criminal acts related to zakat management by PG (Panji Gumilang)," said Ramadhan.

The police have also interviewed three witnesses and coordinated with officials at the Ministry of Religion and other relevant agencies to investigate allegations of misuse of school operational assistance funds (BOS) and zakat.

Meanwhile, MahfudMD also conveyed allegations of misuse of assets in the form of land, whose ownership certificates are in the name of Panji Gumilang and his family.

Mahfud said the results of the inspection of the National Land Agency (BPN) showed that 295 plots of land had ownership of the certificate in the name of Panji Gumilang and his family.