West Semarang SPAM Completed, Can Meet Drinking Water Needs Of Up To 350,000 People

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has gradually completed the construction of a Drinking Water Supply System (SPAM) in West Semarang, Central Java, to serve drinking water services for 70,000 house connections (SR).

"SPAM services are prioritized to meet domestic needs, so that people enjoy quality drinking water at affordable, sustainable prices for 24 hours, and improve public health improvements related to clean water," said PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono through his statement in Jakarta, on Tuesday 1 August.

West Semarang SPAM is one of the National Strategic Projects (PSN) to improve drinking water services by 70,000 house connections (SR) or the equivalent of 350,000 people with a capacity of 1,000 liters/second.

The presence of this SPAM is expected to answer the problem of the clean water crisis and land subsidence due to the use of groundwater in Semarang City.

The source of the raw water SPAM of West Semarang comes from the Jatibarang Dam which was built by the Pemali River Basin Center (BBWS), Directorate General of Water Resources, Ministry of PUPR.

The construction of this SPAM raw water source is through the construction of the Jatibarang intake with a capacity of 1050 liters/second with a budget of Rp. 105 billion, in 2017-2019, followed by the Jatibarang Water Management Installation (IPA) through the Government Cooperation with Business Entity (KPBU) scheme PT ASB in 2019-2021 worth IDR 417 billion.

The Ministry of PUPR through the Central Java Region Settlement Infrastructure Center (BPPW Jateng), the Directorate General of Human Settlements, then built a network of main distribution pipelines along 52.2 km to support the West Semarang SPAM KPBU program. This work has been carried out by Wika-Gemilang (KSO) since November 2021 and has been completed in April 2023.

The work package of the West Semarang SPAM piping network costs around Rp224 billion which is used for the construction of distribution networks from Desel reservoirs along 13.2 km, distribution networks from Manyaran 1 reservoirs along 5.9 km, distribution networks from Manyaran 2 reservoirs along 15.8 km, as well as distribution networks from Bambankerep reservoirs along 17.3 km.

Meanwhile, the Head of Central Java BPPW Kuswara said that there were two jobs that were handed over to the Semarang City Government, namely the West Semarang SPAM for the KPBU project and the National Urban Water Supply Project (NUWSP) project.

"West Semarang SPAM is projected to provide 70,000 housing connections, while the other is 23,000 house connections. So, it can add more than 90,000 house connections," he said.

The West Semarang SPAM is a pilot project for the development of an piping water management system with a KPBU funding scheme in Central Java Province. Furthermore, the management of this SPAM is handed over to the Semarang City Government through Perumda Air Drinking Tirta Moedal.