Vice President: Beware Of Potential Radical Movements That Grow Fertile Ahead Of Elections

JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin asked the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) to be aware of the potential for a radical terrorist movement to thrive ahead of elections.

"The radical movement of terrorism has the potential to thrive ahead of the election. Understand all forms of risk so that intolerant people do not use it to influence and divide Muslims," said the Vice President at the Commemoration of the 13th Anniversary of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT), in Jakarta, reported by ANTARA, Friday, July 28.

Ma'ruf Amin asked BNPT and related parties to participate in monitoring and supervising social media, especially ahead of the 2024 General Election.

"Monitors and monitoring social media, especially ahead of the 2024 General Election. Prevent misuse of social media so as not to become a fertile place for intolerant narratives and hate speech," he said.

The vice president also asked BNPT not to be careless because terror organizations will always look for ways to spread radical ideas, especially to vulnerable groups, namely women, youth, and children.

"We need to continue to observe and be aware of conditions in the field, such as indications of an increase in categories among students or the younger generation. First, from being tolerant to being passive intolerant, then passive intolerance becomes active, and from being intolerant to being exposed," said the Vice President.

According to him, this condition can be dangerous if the right and measured actions are not taken.

Ma'ruf Amin emphasized that exposure to teenagers and children will result in the loss of potential for the nation's golden generation by 2045. In fact, Indonesia needs a young generation who is tolerant and inclusive to achieve Indonesia Gold 2045.

The Vice President emphasized that Indonesia needs a young generation who are widely involved and easily cooperates, regardless of cultural and religious backgrounds. "The young generation is innovative and creative and opens up to new ideas. The younger generation is ready to face global challenges, as well as agile and adaptive to the changing times," he explained.

In addition, the Vice President asked BNPT and all stakeholders to follow up on several things, namely: first, strengthen collaboration through a multi-party approach.

"Based on terrorism in congregation or together. We already have a National Action Plan as a guide for collaborative work," he said.

"Continue counter-radicalization measures to ward off the development of radicalism and also deradicalization to restore those who have been exposed by collaborating with all ministries and institutions," he added.

Second, the Vice President asked BNPT to embrace young people, both in the school environment and in the RT/RW environment, with the help of religious leaders and community leaders to promote religious moderation, as well as strengthen nationalism.

"Give understanding that Indonesia is a country of agreement or among Muslims is referred to as adarul mitsaq," he said. In religion, continued the Vice President, agreements must be respected, and should not be violated. Pancasila is a charter for the agreement. "We have proven that Indonesia is able to remain united firmly when other countries are hit by civil war," said the Vice President.

The Vice President congratulated the increasing age of BNPT. Ma'ruf Amin hopes that BNPT will continue to be a guardian of the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia who is always present in the midst of diversity.

"Hopefully BNPT will be more solid and professional in carrying out its mandate, keeping Bhinneka Tunggal Ika bound for Indonesia Gold," he hoped.