Gerindra Party Doesn't Care About Human Rights Issues Linked To Prabowo Subianto

JAKARTA - Secretary General of the Gerindra Party, Ahmad Muzani, emphasized that his party does not care about the issue of human rights (HAM) which is often associated with the General Chair of the Gerindra Party, Prabowo Subianto, ahead of the 2024 political year.

"That is an old issue that is always reproduced ahead of the presidential election, that's why we don't need to think about it. Anyway, we continue, because of our intention to do good to the nation and state. We do not look back and all Gerindra cadres are excited to unite for it," said Muzani after attending the South Jakarta Gerindra Management Consolidation event at Blok S Field, South Jakarta, Sunday, July 23.

Furthermore, Muzani mentioned the issue of human rights as a seasonal issue that appears every five years. He stated that the party already knew when the issue would arise, and therefore was not affected by him.

"Yes, HAM HUM HER HOM appeared for five years. So we already know when the issue will arise. That is an old issue that is always reproduced," he said.

Muzani also asked Gerindra cadres to use gadgets and social media as a tool to win Prabowo in the 2024 presidential election. He invited cadres to be active in spreading good news about Prabowo and Gerindra, by giving likes, comments, and sharing in the news.

"Every good news about Pak Prabowo, about party leaders about Gerindra number one like, number two comments, number three shares. That means HP. So our cellphones are used for weapons of our struggle," said Muzani.

However, he also emphasized the importance of fighting hoaxes and not participating in disseminating false news that had no benefits. If there is bad news, such as slander or hoaxes against the party or its leaders, he asks not to be shared.

"If there is bad news, vilifying the party creates slander for the party, making party hoaxes, whether leaders or parties, there is no need to share it," he added.

Registration for presidential and vice presidential candidates is scheduled for October 19, 2023 to November 25, 2023. Candidate pairs must meet the requirements for supporting political parties or coalitions of political parties participating in the election who get a certain percentage of seats in the DPR or national votes in the previous election for members of the DPR.