DJSN: BPJS Health Contributions Don't Need To Increase Until Mid-2025
JAKARTA - Member of the National Health Insurance Council (DJSN) Muttaqien said that the contribution of the Health Social Security Administering Agency (BPJS) does not need to be increased at least until mid-2025.
"The BPJS Kesehatan's finances are very healthy. So if there is no other intervention, the amount of the dues should continue as it is now until at least July or August 2025," said Muttaqien in a press conference "Public Expose" for the 2022 Program Management and Financial Statements which was followed online in Medan as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 18.
In 2022, BPJS Kesehatan stated that the Health Social Security Fund (DJS) surplus reached IDR 56.51 trillion.
This value is sufficient to pay claims for the next 5.98 months or almost reach the maximum estimate set by the government, which is six months.
Article 37 Paragraph 1 of Government Regulation Number 84 of 2015 Amendments to Government Regulation Number 87 of 2013 concerning Management of Health Social Security Assets states that DJS Health must at least meet the estimated claim payments for the next 1.5 months and at most the estimated claim payments for the next six months.
"The number of Social Security Fund for Health has almost peaked (six months of claim payment, ed)," said Muttaqien.
Then, DJSN also appreciated the increasing number of participants in the National Health Insurance (JKN) from year to year.
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Until 2022, there are 248.77 million residents who have been registered as JKN participants or 90.34 percent of the total population of Indonesia in 2022. This number has increased compared to the previous year's 235.72 people.
In fact, until July 1, 2023, that number is still increasing, which is 258.32 million people. "So, along with that, the JKN program will continue to increase," said Muttaqien.
Muttaqien suggested that JKN be taught to the public from an early age.
"We encourage this understanding to be taught, for example, in elementary, junior high, high school. This is important so that they no longer know about JKN when they grow up, they are already working," said Muttaqien.