Vice President: Development In Papua Is Definitely For Indigenous Papuans

MANOKWARI - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin emphasized that the development carried out in Papua is definitely aimed at the Papuan people, especially indigenous Papuans (OAP), so they should not be disturbed.

This was conveyed by the Vice President in response to the frequent conflict that arises in line with development in Papua.

"This development was built in Papua, of course, those who will feel the most beneficial in the future will certainly be indigenous Papuans. Therefore, development here should not be disturbed," said the Vice President on the sidelines of a working visit to review the 2,044 hectare oil palm rejuvenation program in Manokwari, West Papua, reported by ANTARA, Saturday, July 15.

The Vice President emphasized that development in Papua is not aimed at people in other areas. Infrastructure built in Papua is also unlikely to be moved to other areas.

"Development in Papua is not for Jakartans. Built in the Land of Papua, it is impossible to move to Jakarta. So for Papuans, especially indigenous Papuans," he explained.

He said that if there was a disturbance, development in Papua would not run smoothly.

"It will be said (the development) did not arrive. It did not arrive because there was a disturbance. So I said we built together for Papua," said the Vice President.