Closing The Session Of The DPR, Puan Alludes To Hajj Supervision And The Health Law

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, closed the DPR's V Session Period for the 2022-2023 Session Year. She also submitted a report on the board's performance during the trial period and paid attention to a number of things, including regarding the Health Law which was recently passed by the DPR.

The closing of the V Session Period for the 2022-2023 Session Year was held at the DPR Plenary Meeting which was held at the Nusantara II Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday 13 July. In this Plenary Meeting, Puan was accompanied by Deputy Speaker of the DPR Lodewijk Paulus, Muhaimin Iskandar, and Rachmat Gobel.

At the beginning of the closing speech for the DPR session this time, Puan detailed the activities that the council had carried out since the opening of the trial period on May 16, 2023. From the legislative function, the DPR has passed the Law on the Health of the Omnibus Law.

"The presence of the new Health Law is expected to improve health services for the people," said Puan in her statement, Thursday, July 16.

In addition, the DPR has determined the Draft Law (RUU) concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages as a Proposal for the DPR RI Initiative. Puan said that the revision of the Village Law was carried out in order to improve the welfare of the people.

"The Draft Law on the Second Amendment to Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages as a Bill on the Proposal of the DPR RI Initiative, is an effort to advance the economy of the village community, overcome the national development gap, and strengthen the village community as a subject of development," he explained.

During the Trial V, the DPR together with the Government and the DPD RI have prioritized the discussion of 13 bills which are currently still at Level I Discussions and other bills included in the 2023 Priority Bill Prolegnas.

"Even though in every discussion it forms a law, there are always dynamics of differences of opinion, the DPR RI has a commitment to prioritizing partiality to the interests of the people and national interests," said Puan.

The first woman to serve as Chair of the DPR RI also said that the DPR RI and the government had agreed on fiscal policies for the State Budget for the 2024 Fiscal Year which were based on people's welfare. Puan said that the formulation of fiscal policies was directed to accelerate inclusive and sustainable economic transformation.

"This policy direction is an effort to achieve the final target of the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN). As well as establishing a solid foundation to continue the development relay from 2025 to 2029," he said.

"Currently, Indonesia's economic resilience has been maintained amidst various world economic turmoil. Indicators of Indonesia's economic growth and current inflation, show that Indonesia is one of the countries with the best economic growth and inflation among ASEAN and G20 countries," continued Puan.

He added that the DPR appreciates the Government's performance in optimizing the absorption of the APBN. Puan hopes that various agreements, recommendations, and notes during this session will serve as a reference for the Government in drafting a Financial Note and RAPBN for the 2024 Fiscal Year which will be submitted in August.

"The DPR RI will continue to observe so that the Financial Notes and the 2024 State Budget are really directed as a budget based on people's welfare," explained the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

During this trial, the DPR has also received a bill on accountability for the Implementation of the State Budget for the 2022 Fiscal Year which will be discussed during the next trial. The DPR ensures that the implementation of the State Budget for Fiscal Year 2022 has been carried out efficiently, transparently, and accountably by the Government.

Furthermore, Puan said that the DPR during this trial had also carried out its supervisory function of organizing the Hajj, starting from preparation to sending the Hajj Supervision Team during the implementation. Even though the Hajj is running smoothly, he hopes that the Government will continue to optimize services for the convenience of Indonesian pilgrims.

"The DPR RI hopes that the Government can continue to improve services, especially those related to accommodation, catering, transportation, and health, so that in the future all prospective pilgrims can carry out worship more safely and comfortably," hoped Puan.

Meanwhile, in other matters of supervision, the DPR through the Council Apparatus (AKD) has held various meetings, especially on issues that are quite in the spotlight. Puan detailed several issues that were of concern to the DPR.

The potential for cyber attacks that can cause leaks as well as optimize data, utilize APBN funds to accelerate the construction of provincial roads and regency or city roads, the problem of transferring or appointing honorary staff to become government employees with a Work Agreement (P3K) before November 28, 2023, "said the winner of the two Honoris Causa titles.

Then also related to the land mafia and solving land dispute problems, construction of the Advanced Fisherman Village (Kalaju) infrastructure and approval permits for the Compliance of Marine Spatial Utilization Activities (PKKPRL), violations of marine and fishery power subergies, including the use of fishing gear that is not environmentally friendly.

Then there is also supervision on accelerating the completion of the LNG Endowment Field Blok Masela, absorption of local workers in the development of tourist areas, supporting facilities and infrastructure for the Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Train (KCJB), regulations from the General Elections Commission regarding the representation of 30 percent of women and government policy plans related to remuneration for State Civil Apparatus (ASN).

Puan also revealed that the DPR had carried out a fit and proper test for prospective members of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) for the period 2023-2028 during this trial. In addition, the fit and proper test for prospective members of the Bank Indonesia Supervision Agency (BI) for the period 2023-2028, candidates for members of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) for the period 2023-2028 and candidates for Ambassadors of friendly countries.

"In implementing world parliamentary diplomacy, the DPR RI has held various session activities at the ASEAN level in a series of positions in the DPR RI as the presidency at AIPA (ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly)," explained Puan.

A series of AIPA activities that have been held include the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly Advisory Council on Dangerous Drugs or Advisory Board of the Association between ASEAN Parliaments related to Dangerous Drugs (AIPACODD) and the Coordinating Committee of Women Parliamentarians of ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (WAIPA).

According to Puan, the results of the two trials will be brought to the AIPA General Assembly which will take place in early August 2023 in Jakarta. This refers to Indonesia as the host of the ASEAN 2023 Chairmanship, both in the executive and legislative realms.

"The series of activities are a good start to the 44th AIPA General Assembly which will take place in Jakarta on August 5-10, 2023," explained Puan.

Apart from AIPA, the DPR will also host the 9th Mikta Speakers Consultation. The activity of the Speaker of the MiKTA Parliament marks the chairmanship of the DPR for this year's MiKTA.

MIKTA is a consulatory forum consisting of five middle power countries, namely Mexico, Indonesia, the Republic of Korea, Turkey, and Australia which have similarities as a democratic country and a member of the G-20.

In another series of diplomacy, Puan said that the DPR had received a special visit from the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, His Excellency Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi on May 23. On the other hand, diplomatic visits were also made by the DPR to a number of friendly countries in the framework of strengthening bilateral relations, including the United Arab Emirates, Syria, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, and Egypt.

"The parliamentary diplomatic visit was also carried out to Lebanon in order to strengthen the diplomatic relations between Indonesia and Lebanon which have been going on for 70 years while at the same time conveying support for the resolution of various domestic problems in Lebanon," said Puan.

Regarding the implementation of the 2024 General Election, Bung Karno's grandson said that elections are a means for the Indonesian people to determine the direction of the nation's future. Puan said that democracy and elections are a tool to create a prosperous people.

"It means nothing power if the people are divided into pieces of social order with full suspicion. Our main foundation for developing the country is the unity of the people. Without the unity of the people, it is difficult for the Indonesian nation to achieve progress," he said.

"The Indonesian nation should be loyal to its original nature, namely a nation that is different but united by Pancasila. Let us carry out the implementation of democracy, the implementation of the 2024 election stage, by creating a happy situation, and remain in the unity of Indonesia," continued Puan.

After the closing of today's session, the DPR will enter a recess period starting July 14-August 15, 2023. Members of the council were reminded to greet, listen and absorb the aspirations of the people.

"Explain the constitutional tasks that have been carried out by the DPR RI, as well as unite the people in the spirit of mutual cooperation to build Indonesia's progress," said Puan.

Before closing the trial period, the DPR also discussed a number of agendas at the Plenary Meeting this time. Among other things, approval of the results of the Feasibility and Proper Test for Candidates for the Bank Indonesia Supervision Agency for the 2023-2028 Period, then approval of the results of the Feasibility and Proper Test) for Candidates for OJK Members, as well as approval for an extension of the discussion time for a number of bills.

The bill in question is a Bill on New Energy and New Energy, a Bill on Conservation of Biological Natural Resources and their Ecosystems, a Bill on Amendments to Bill no. 5 of 2014 concerning State Civil Apparatus, a Bill on Civil Procedure Law, a Bill on Second Amendment to Law no. 35 of 2009 on Narcotics, and a Bill on Fourth Amendment to Law No. 24 of 2003 concerning the Constitutional Court.