Ojol Ditodong Pistol Driver When Antre Buys Food At BSD, Motorbikes Are Taken Away By Thieves

TANGERANG A motorcycle robbery in the BSD Boulevard area, South Tangerang was caught on CCTV. Two perpetrators took a motorbike belonging to an online motorcycle taxi (ojol) who was queuing for food. When it was finally discovered, he was seen removing a firearm after his action was caught by a resident.

Pagedagan Police Chief, AKP Seala Syah Alam said the incident occurred on Sunday, July 9, during the day. However, he has not been able to conclude whether the object used by the perpetrator is a firearm.

The incident really exists. For the perpetrators themselves, there are currently 2 people. If we are to point a gun at it, we are still investigating whether it is really a gun, or similar to a gun. We are still investigating it. Seala told reporters, Monday, July 10.

Seala explained that the chronology of the incident began with the victim who was taking orders at an area restaurant in BSD. Suddenly there were two perpetrators.

The victim and the witness knew about the action, so one of the perpetrators took out an object suspected of being a firearm. Because, the victim and the witness were afraid, as a result, the perpetrator managed to bring the stolen motorbike.

The victim is taking orders, ordering food. Suddenly there were two people, one pointing a gun. And the two perpetrators used a motorbike. When the position was held, it was not done directly to the victim. But to the first witness. There were no injuries, (but) for sure, the online motorcycle taxi driver lost his motorbike," he concluded.