Fuji Reveals The Amount Of Loss Due To The Behavior Of Ex-Coworkers

JAKARTA - Fujianti Utami Putri, who is familiarly called Fuji, suffered a big loss due to the behavior of her former co-worker. It is suspected that his former co-worker had embezzled money belonging to Fadly Faisal's younger brother.

The 20-year-old girl also revealed the losses she suffered. He said that the total loss was the equivalent of a luxury car or a house.

"The total loss) can be buying a luxury car or buying a house, I think," Fuji said via video call to the media crew, Monday, June 26.

Fuji was reluctant to tell the exact nominal of the total loss suffered. When asked further, he admitted that he had lost more than IDR 1.5 billion.

"Yes, you could say that (IDR 1.5 billion). It could be that much, it could be more," he said.

Over the past year, Fuji stated that he was still waiting for the good faith of his former co-worker to return the money that had been taken away. He did not hesitate to take firm steps if he did not see any good faith.

"I've been waiting for good faith for a year. I waited for the good faith but it turned out that there was no good faith at all. So, if for example this is not finished, I want to go to the legal route. Just let him know how he feels," said Fuji.

Currently, Fuji has also appointed Sandy Arifin as his attorney to take care of the losses suffered.

Sandy Arifin himself said that he received information that Fuji's former co-worker already had good faith. However, he will first consult with the police to determine what legal steps should be taken.

"The information is that there is good faith to resolve it, but from our client we are waiting for the good faith to be. And still from our own client convey it for consultation with the authorities," concluded Sandy Arifin.