PDIP 2024 Presidential Candidate T-shirt: Ganjar Pranowo Becomes A Superhero Named Greyman

JAKARTA - A group of young people and Gen-Z Jakarta fans, Ganjar Pranowo, with his ideas and creativity, created a special T-shirt to campaign for presidential candidate (candidate) 2024 from PDIP Ganjar Pranowo.

They make t-shirts with unique designs. The image of Ganjar is made to resemble a cool and fierce cartoon character. They mentioned the character of the character under the name Greyman.

"We young people certainly want to look different. Most of the campaign shirts are just like that, young people don't like them. Then we have an idea how to make a T-shirt for Pak Ganjar's campaign but with an interesting design. Very young people," said Jodi, Greyman initiator.

He then gathered many young people to join. Various design has been created and it turns out that many people like it. Not only young people, but also the elderly.

"We want to diplomacy with T-shirts. Introduce Pak Ganjar in an interesting way and in the media," he explained.

Not only to create a T-shirt, he hopes that Greyman will become a place for creative children. Later, there will be many communities involved.

"There are fashion, skateboarding, basketball and many communities loved by today's young people. In the future we will hold these kinds of events with young people throughout Indonesia," he explained.

Greyman was officially launched in the Gelora Bung Karno area, Jakarta, Sunday (25/6/2023). PDIP presidential candidate who is also a character in the Greyman T-shirt, Ganjar Pranowo was also present at the event.

Ganjar appreciated the creative ideas of the young people. In their hands, campaign T-shirts can be designed to be unique and interesting.

"If young people are designed, they must be creative. The design is attractive and suitable for young people. There are differential factors that others don't have. This is cool," said Ganjar.

According to Ganjar, it is a small part of the proof of how many creative young people are in Indonesia. So, the role of the government is very important to facilitate and encourage it.

"So we have to multiply the creative hub so that the ideas and creativity of young people can be channeled. That way, a new economy will emerge and of course it will have an impact on our economy," he explained.

Not only in metropolitan cities, in other areas, especially remote areas, Ganjar continued, it is also important to touch. Equitable information technology infrastructure is important so that young people in remote areas can also develop.

"High-speed internet must also be available, including training and assistance. If all of that has been realized, then those who have good basic talent can be developed faster," he concluded.