Preventing Death Cases Due To Rabies, West Java Provincial Government Stimulates 5 Steps

The rabies case of animals infecting humans in Indonesia has caused death cases. Anticipating that this will not happen in West Java (West Java), the West Java Provincial Government (Pemrov) has prepared five steps.

"West Java continues to be aware of rabies cases by taking various anticipations, even though it is one of the provinces with zero rabies cases," said Head of Animal Health and Veterinary Society of the West Java Food and Livestock Security Service (DKPP), Supriyanto, when contacted, in Bandung, Friday, June 23, confiscated by Antara.

Supriyanto explained that the five anticipations include monitoring the traffic of Rabies-bearing animals (HPR), community involvement in the prevention and observation of rabies, vaccination, disease surveillance, coordination, to information communication and education in the community. He emphasized that until now there are no cases of rabies in animals and humans in West Java. Even zero cases in the last two years.

Menurutnya, kesadaran masyarakat pemilik HPR untuk memvaksin hewan peliharaannya terus meningkat."Peningkatan kesadaran ini buah dari sosialisasi Pemprov Jabar kepada masyarakat serta adanya pemberitaan terkait rabies pada manusia di provinsi lain yang ikut menggugah kesadaran untuk melaksanakan vaksinasi," kata dia.Kendati begitu, Supriyanto tetap mengimbau kepada masyarakat untuk segera memberikan vaksin kepada hewan peliharaan di pusat-pusat pelayanan kesehatan hewan."Upaya pencegahan yang paling mudah dan efektif adalah dengan vaksinasi pada hewan kesayangan kita," tandasnya.