There Is Still Time To Get Scholarships From The Government, Check Out The Schedule, Terms And How To Register For The Polteknaker Test Line
YOGYAKARTA The current Labor Polytechnic (Polteknaker) opens up opportunities for people as well as prospective students who want to enter higher education institutions with educational scholarships from the Ministry of Manpower. To take part in the selection, prospective applicants must know the requirements and ways to register for Polteknaker.
Polteknaker (Politeknik Ketenagakerjaan) is a non-service (non-service) state university managed by the Government through the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia. The PTN organizes a vocational education program with discipline in science and/or technology related to employment.
Quoted from the official Polteknaker website, registration is open from May 1 to June 28, 2023 at 23.59 WIB. The period was opened specifically for people who met the administrative requirements and academic qualifications from the tests carried out. No different from the achievement path, on this route prospective students will also get scholarships from the Government. The requirements for the list of Polteknaker test lines are as follows.
It should be noted that the way to apply for a scholarship lecture at Polteknaker is done online with a Test Based Selection (SBT) system, which is as follows.
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It should also be noted that the implementation of registration as well as selection to enter Polteknaker is carried out with various stages, namely as follows.
Those are the requirements and ways to register for Polteknaker. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.