Appreciation Of The Constitutional Court's Decision, NasDem: It's Not Easy In The Midst Of Political Pressure Able To Independent Judiciary

JAKARTA - Chairman of the DPP NasDem Party Willy Aditya assessed that the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) which ensures an open proportional system will continue to apply in the 2024 General Election in line with the spirit of democracy.

"We really appreciate the Constitutional Court's decision. Of course this is in line with the spirit of democracy and reforms that have been aspired to," said Willy in Jakarta, Thursday, June 15, which was confiscated by Antara.

He explained that the proportional system is open or directly voting for legislative candidates (caleg) provides opportunities for the people to directly choose their representatives in the DPR. This is also in line with the spirit of democracy that wants to bring the people and people's representatives closer.

"The current situation is more likely for political parties to offer programs as well as people who are considered to have the capability and capacity to fight for the programs offered. Proportional is open to providing more opportunities for the people. Yes (elections) are for the people," he said.

Therefore, added Willy, the Constitutional Court's decision strengthens the practices and values of democracy in Indonesia.

"Once again, we should give appreciation to the Constitutional Court. Not only because the Constitutional Court is firm in the constitution, but has also been an example for institutions born from the spirit of reform to remain consistent in democratic values. It is not easy in the midst of various political pressures. In fact, the Constitutional Court has proven to be able to carry out independent judiciary (independent justice, ed.)," said Willy.

The panel of judges at the Constitutional Court at the trial of reading the verdict rejected the petitioners' petition at the trial of the lawsuit against Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections so that the proportional election system remains open.

"Reject the petitioners in its entirety," said Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Anwar Usman when reading the verdict at the Constitutional Court Building in Jakarta, Thursday, June 15.

In the same trial, Constitutional Justice Saldi Isra said the Petitioners argued that holding elections that used a system proportional to an open list had distorted the role of political parties.

"Dalil tersebut akan menegaskan sejak penyelenggaraan Pemilihan Umum 2009 sampai dengan 2019 partai politik seperti kehilangan peransial-nya dalam kehidupan berdemocracy," kata Saldi Isra.

According to the Court, he conveyed, in accordance with the provisions of Article 22E paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution which places political parties as participants in the general election for members of the DPR/DPRD, within reasonable limits of reasoning, the arguments of the applicants are excessive.

"Because, so far, political parties still have a central role that has full authority in the selection process and determination of candidates," said Saldi Isra.

Previously, the Constitutional Court received a request for a judicial review of Article 168 paragraph (2) of the Election Law related to an open proportional system registered with case registration number 114/PUU-XX/2022 on November 14, 2022.

The six applicants are Demas Brian Wicaksono (Pemohon I), Yuwono Pintadi (Pemohon II), Fahrurrozi (Pemohon III), Ibnu Rachman Jaya (Permohon IV), Riyanto (Pemohon V), and Nono Marijono (Pemohon VI).