West Sumatra Police Name HEH Suspect Of Muhammadiyah Hate Speech

The West Sumatra Police (West Sumatra) named a man with the initials HEH as a suspect in a case of alleged hate speech against the Muhammadiyah organization.

Director of the Special Criminal Investigation of the West Sumatra Police AKBP Alfian Nurnas said the determination of the suspect was after a case was held on Wednesday (14/6).

"The results of the title have been determined as a suspect," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, June 14.

HEH is suspected of Article 28 paragraph 2 of Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning information and electronic transactions (ITE).

Previously, the Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Regional Leadership of West Sumatra Bachtiar stated that he refused to make peace with HEH, although he had expressed his apology. "Heh has been forgiven, but for the case will still be processed in the realm of law. For an individual apology, it has been forgiven. According to the institution, there is a legal process through it. Just follow the legal process," he said. The case of alleged hate speech was reported by the Muhammadiyah Youth Force (AMM) of Payakumbuh City, West Sumatra, which started from the status of Facebook's Facebook account Hafzan El Hadi on Friday (21/4). The account alluded to the question of Muhammadiyah which led to defamation of the organization, which was later taken over by the West Sumatra Police. "Those who still adhere to Muhammadiyah sects let it be literate, this is the side of similarity with Syi'ah. Islam is without mass organizations," he said while embedding the video of Ustaz Farhan Abu Furasihan.