5 Ways To Warm Up Your Partner's Sexual Life

YOGYAKARTA Stress and busyness are often the reasons for the decline in sexual desire of each couple. Apparently, everyday life also affects how couples experience weak points in the sexual aspect. This challenge can be overcome with a number of steps based on the recommendations of the following experts.

It is important to ask yourself about whether there are relationships, job changes, emotional closeness to your partner, and health issues. Recommendations Nan Wise, Ph.D., psychotherapists and certified sex therapists, by answering questions related to sources of stress, can help identify. That way, you and your partner can practice self-care and apply lifestyle changes to reduce stress.

Every couple needs to maintain a productive dialogue and liven up regularly. This affects the sexual experience in partners, explained Wise. In addition, also ask your partner about their feelings in the sexual aspect. This open communication can improve sexual life because they are both looking for solutions and filling the needs of their partner.

Add Wise, maybe you need to prioritize intimacy or reset expectations for sex in relationships. Everyone doesn't need to be afraid to talk about fantasy, desire, and physical intimacy. This is an effort to re-explor a new sexual experience.

In the honeymoon phase, your partner's sexual desire may be warm. Whereas in a long-term relationship, it is natural for sex to become routine and not infrequently boring. Wise's message, don't be offended if your partner's sexual desire decreases. Because this is a sign that you need to open the conversation openly and explore aspects of sexuality in a new way.

Sexual excitement does not always have sex. But increasing sexual capacity involves expanding the definition of sex. For example, including the broader sense of eroticity includes what makes you and your partner feel more 'living'. Wise's message, learn something new and acquire interest or curiosity. This search helps generate dopamine and our passion for life.

When sex becomes a task, it will have the potential to become a boring thing. It can even make emotional closeness neglected. So find ways to enjoy togetherness even without sexual pleasure. For example with sports together or just taking a walk outside to reconnect emotionally.

In addition to the five ways above, keep in mind that every relationship goes ups and downs. That's normal, Wise said, that the period of sexual desire is declining. But identifying the root causes of the problem, communicating with your partner, changing your routine, exploring new experiences together, and emotionally reconnecting can help warm up the couple's life again including sexual aspects.