The Rihana-Rihani Twins Involved In Embezzlement Fraud Cases Become DPO Polda Metro

Polda Metro Jaya has officially included the names of the twins Rinahana and Rihani in the wanted list (DPO). The issuance is to facilitate the search for the fugitive in the fraud and embezzlement case."Yes, it has been (issued by DPO)," said Head of Sub-Directorate for Jatanras Ditreskrimum Polda Metro Jaya, AKBP Panjiyoga when confirmed, Tuesday, June 13.With this issuance, the police in all parts of Indonesia will inform if they know the whereabouts of Riana and Rihani.Regarding the possibility of Riana and Rihani fleeing abroad, Panjiyoga said there had been no report on this matter. So, they are believed to be still in Indonesia."For overseas, there is no such thing. So we are still investigating out of town, ” he said.It is said that the twin brothers are said to be hiding somewhere. However, sooner or later they will be found."We are still investigating the whereabouts of the Riana and Rihani. He really obeyed," said Panjiyoga.Previously, the twins Riana and Rihani were named suspects in the iPhone fraud case. The status determination was based on the police report (LP) received by Polda Metro Jaya."In the Polda (Rihana and Rihani) it is already a suspect," said Director of Criminal Investigation at Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Hengki Haryadi.The basis for determining the suspects against Rinahan and Rihani is not from the LP at the Polsek and Polres levels, which are now being handled by the Metro Police.
When talking about the LP that has been withdrawn, said Hengki, there are around 13 reports. Currently being analyzed one by one. The report relates to fraud to car embezzlement.“There are several LPs. So there are many LPs, there are 13, we will map them one by one, ” he explained.