DPRA Asks Aceh Provincial Government To Form A Coal Spill Tracing Team On Meureubo Beach

MEULABOH - The Aceh People's Representative Council (DPRA) asked the Aceh Provincial Government to immediately form an independent team, to trace the cause of the coal material spill along the coast in the Meureubo District, West Aceh Regency.

"The occurrence of coal on the coast of West Aceh has often happened, we really regret this," said the Head of the Special Committee for Minerba and Energy Mining Team of the DPRA, Tarmizi, as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, June 7.

He said the search for cases of coal material spills in the West Aceh Sea was an environmental incident that could not be allowed to happen at all.

According to him, the Aceh Provincial Government as the party that has full authority regarding environmental issues, must immediately conduct an inspection and make a field visit to determine the cause of the coal spill into the sea.

As a result of the frequent coal spills in the West Aceh Sea, this has caused environmental damage to people in coastal areas, because it has an impact on the environment and disrupts people's economic activities.

Tarmizi also urged the Aceh Government to have a firm stance regarding the case of the spill of coal material in the West Aceh Sea, and must take firm action against whoever the perpetrators are.

In addition, said Tarmizi, some time ago his party had also summoned the West Aceh Regency Environment and Hygiene Service (DLHK), Aceh Province DLHK as well as a number of coal mining companies and coal users in West Aceh Regency and Nagan Raya Regency, Aceh.

The summons was related to the case of a coal material spill in the West Aceh Sea area, and it was later discovered that the results of the examination from the laboratory stated that the spilled coal calories had a level/gar of 3,900.

However, he continued, a number of company representatives who attended refused to admit that the new coal levels came from their mine sites or orders purchased from outside Aceh.

Tarmizi hopes that the Aceh Government will immediately form an independent team to determine the cause of the coal spill in the West Aceh Sea, so that the perpetrators can get strict sanctions in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

"The case of the coal spill into the sea is related to environmental pollution, we hope that the Aceh Government will take it seriously," said Tarmizi.