1 Ordinary Hajj Candidate Delivered 1-2 Bus Filled With Family Children To Hajj Dormitory, Mataram DLH Prepares 35 Cleaning Officers
NTB - The Mataram City Environment Agency (DLH) deployed 30-35 cleaners to handle waste in the Lombok Embarkation Hajj Dormitory area.
Head of the Garbage Division of the Mataram City DLH, Vidi Partisan, Yuris Gamanjaya, said dozens of DLH officers were on standby during the process of departing the pilgrims for Hajj in Mataram.
"For handling waste during the Hajj season (going and going home-ed), we have prepared 30-35 officers, so that the area can remain clean," he said in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province, Wednesday, June 7, which was confiscated by Antara.
During the Hajj season, along the South Ring Road to the Lombok Embarkation Hajj Dormitory, it was filled with street vendors, as well as children's play arenas.
This condition occurs because the tradition of the community delivering the departure of pilgrims for Hajj candidates is still thick in Lombok. According to him, one prospective hajj can be delivered by two to three buses.
"Meanwhile, we are committed that the area must remain clean. Therefore, for the Hajj Dormitory we place one container of garbage," he said.
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Meanwhile, for outside or on the South Ring Road, as many as 30 road sweep officers were alerted to clean the area three times a day, the rest were drivers, foremanes, and garbage transport officers.
"The sweeping officers will sweep the road at least three times a day, namely in the morning, evening, and evening," he said.
He admitted, during the departure of prospective pilgrims, there was an increase in the volume of waste usually for the area below one ton, now reaching more than one ton.
"For handling it, God willing, there will be no obstacles because this is our annual job. What is certain is that because we are extra-employed officers, we calculate overtime," he said.