Having No Routine Budget, The Regent Of Kudus Asks The School To Submit A Proposal To The Regional Government For Improvement

JAKARTA - The Regent of Kudus Hartopo invited all schools with damaged classroom ceilings to immediately propose a repair budget to the local government."Please, the school considers that the ceiling of the classroom is prone to collapse or in a damaged condition to be proposed to be recorded in its entirety, so that later it will be budgeted through the APBD next year," he said in response to the collapse of the Mejobo Kudus State Junior High School ceiling, Antara, Monday, June 5.The Kudus Regency Government does not have a routine budget for repairing damaged schools, both roofs and other damage. Except for the damage caused by natural disasters, it can be taken from unexpected funds.Schools that propose to repair classrooms or other facilities, he said, can not only be proposed through the 2024 APBD, but can also be proposed through special allocation funds (DAK).Meanwhile, through the 2023 Revised APBD, he admitted, he could not confirm whether the availability of the budget was sufficient or not.The head of SMP Negeri 1 Mejobo Sutrisno admitted that from four classrooms, the ceiling appears to have collapsed in one room, while the other three classrooms are also worried because there is something that must be given a buffer so that the roof does not collapse and can still be used for teaching and learning activities.The roof damage to the classroom, he said, had been proposed for repairs to the Kudus Education, Youth and Sports Office.Member of Commission D of the DPRD Kudus Muhtamat who directly inspected the condition of the classroom at SMP Negeri 1 Mejobo admitted that the classroom was not suitable for teaching and learning activities."Do not let the collapsed ceiling happen to students because their safety must also be prioritized," he said.The collapse of the classroom ceiling, he said, had occurred in the Japanese Elementary School classroom Pakis, fortunately not when the child took part in the teaching and learning process.He hopes that the Kudus Regional Government will immediately follow up on the findings of the council. Later the council will also invite the government through the Kudus Education, Youth and Sports Office to coordinate so that all schools are built."We propose that all four 9th grade rooms be built because of the repair of only one or two classrooms, of course not solving problems. Other classrooms may also experience the same thing," he said.The results of field reviews, he said, the condition of the building is an old building so that the height is not the same as that of other class buildings. While the wood on the roof of the building is rotten.Head of Basic Education of Disdikpora Kudus Anggun Nugraha revealed that four classrooms with damaged roof conditions at SMP Negeri 1 Mejobo have been proposed and are included in the 2024 rehabilitation plan. As for school repairs in 2023, there are 10 schools and have signed contracts with service providers.
Among them are SMP 1 Mejobo, SMP 1 Bae, SD 4 Golantepus, SD 4 Japan, SD 5 Temus, SD 1 Mlatinorowito, SD 2 Bakalankrapyak, SD 1 Getaspejaten, SD 1 Gulang, SD 4 Rahtawu, and SD 4 Dersalam.